People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Will they tolerate being misted? I find some plants love it and others not so much!!!

One of your pots looks like a nice doggy.


Happy early birthday to me! Sansevieria trifasciata “Black Gold” makes me super happy! And from the hospital wing, a peperomia verticillata “Red Log.” It doesn’t even appear to be in that bad of shape but I’m excited to be a plant nurse again.


Happy Birthday!!!


No they don’t like to be misted, they are dramatic about their leaves. And they need filtered water too of course. Full of drama, those plants. But I love them.

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That’s my supervisor, Lennox. He has mastered the grouchy old man face.


Happy birthday! Yeah, just looks like it needs more light and that’s about it, nice find!

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Good thing I have plenty of grow lights!


My plants can’t wait until summer…

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You might remember the delosperma I got ~3 months ago. A little while back, I moved them to their own pot. They’ve been super wrinkly and not looking good.

Wrinkles with these means 1 of 2 things - not enough water, or the roots are damaged and cannot take in water properly. I thought it was the latter, as I did kinda…you know, smoosh them into this pot.
Additionally, I tried upping watering to once a week, no good. They are winter growers, but surely once a week is enough? I water NOTHING more than that. Gotta be a root damage issue?

Nope. Just recently I’ve upped it to THREE times a week, and they are plump and taking off.
I know they are widely known as thirsty lil fuckers, but this goes against EVERYTHING that I know about succulents and cacti! So much water!!


And it looks amazing!

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Thanks! They’re growing fast and they sort of creep me out in a way :sweat_smile:

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My pickup today, Tradescantia Purple Furry. I had to get it just for the name.


For the first time since I hung it in November, I pulled down the sun shade to get the plant fam some full sun (it’s slightly overcast today, so the sun is filtered to a degree). Just an hour or two of winter sun. Have to be careful since they’re only used to 50% intensity. Winter sun isn’t too harsh so should be OK to do here and there. Back in the autumn they were getting burnt to shit (except that beast of an agave, which I can’t wait to plant in my eventual front yard – that one means a lot to me, first plant I bought when I got here). I also just got that stand for my yucca palm, happy with that.

I am up to 33 pots.
Sure as shit a good place to live if you love cacti and succulents.

Probably some exciting happenings coming up. My lithops are splitting into new “butts”, and a few plants look like they’ll put out some flower stalks any day now. It’s so interesting how some plants are summer growers, and some are winter growers, depending upon which part of the world they originate from.


Is that what that cactus is called? Christmas Cactus! Do the flowers come in pink and reds? If so, l grew up with those everywhere in my family home!! I :heart: them


Yes! There are a few varieties and I’ve heard people refer to them as Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter cactus depending on the shape of leaves and color of flowers but I don’t know the difference. I can’t wait to see blooms! Mine are white with fuchsia highlights. So pretty.

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New growth update!!!

Epipremnum pinnatum has some new growth!!!

This little Peperomia is going crazy, she is so happy lol.

Here is update in new growth from my mumma corn plant. ( I think she is a corn plant)

And then these are the two cuttings I took from her last year!!!

This little Maranta is growing like mad but she is super leggy not sure what to do about that.

And my rattlesnake with her new leaf. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow! Everyone looks super happy! Good job, mama!


Your 🪴 little family of plants look so green and happy! I particularly :heart: the last plant ( rattlesnake?)
It has such a pretty pattern on its leaves! I’m going to try to find one around my area.

I have this great little coffee roaster/indoor plant store down the road. I should enquire there and show the owner your pic!


If you scroll up a few from mine @PlantLady19 posted hers too. They are so pretty and the underside of their leaf is purple.

Goeppertia insignis is their proper name they are a prayer plant.

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