People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Omg my… I have never dared.

Don’t you have a spectacular orchid as well Sassy?

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I do!!

Almost all my other orchids have already gone by this season.

Haha shit “scroll up Stella!”

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@Its_me_Stella now I just feel silly. I noticed this meter has a pH setting :woman_facepalming:t2:


Yes I have one of those too but I don’t know if mine works well. Doesn’t seem to ever move but maybe thats the problem!!! hahahah

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This made me chuckle…


We saw a random deer outside yesterday evening and that cheeky bastard must have been full…he did quite a trimming job on the flower garden taking a nice nibbling down of some coneflower, rudbekia and daylilies. I am going to look for more lavender today…they don’t seem to like them and I could create a border in front that may keep them back…one can hope.


This philo birkin has seemed like it went dormant for a long time. It’s finally putting out a new leaf! I’m so happy!


Very pretty!

That’s beautiful!

@RosaCanDo this one’s for you.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Metaphysical Properties of Crystals and Recovery :crystal_ball:

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Amazing!!!

Hi! The long one is a Dragons tail I think, yes? Those are climbers instead of crawlers so they appreciate a long planter to crawl along. They also need a lot of light to keep the spaces between the nodes tight. I’m failing with mine right now cause it’s not getting enough light. Once I figure it how to remedy that, I’ll cut back to where it started etoliating. Your collection is so great!

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So nice to catch up on this thread!! This is the newest leaf on my Queen. I got her in October and she only had one leaf until may. This one opened up when it was only three inches long. Now it’s more than four across and 17.5 inches long!!

I’ve got another leaf coming on my Albo too. I love this plant because I have no idea what each leaf will look like, it’s so fun!


Love seeing all the plants. :heart::tulip::heart:

African blood lily is blooming. Was my mother in laws, who passed 8 years ago, so we love having her with us.

And my first attempt at dahlias…deer love them unfortunately.


My backyard Sun worshippers all about to bloom!


Two new babies coming on my Zplant!


As I was looking at the new leaf on my dragon plant unfurl I spotted this little baby poking out!