People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

See he has great potential and a good size for a two year old! You must have him in the correct soil! :+1:
What I would do to add “bush” (yes I just said that) is I would take off the longest arms down to two leaves after a forking. (You can make cuttlings yourself from what you take off.) Then, right where you have snapped the arm of, instead of one leaf, two will grow. So you get another forking.
BUT, if I’m womansplaining here and it’s already totally obvs to everyone, please forgive. 🤷 :pray: :roll_eyes:


Oh no, this is super helpful, thank you! I’ll do just that. Woooo!

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I did it! Just need to find another pot for the rest. Fingers crossed…


Awesome! Good luck!

Well… I have just proven once again I can find a loop hole in anything!!!

No, I can not fit anymore plants in my house BUT that doesn’t mean I can’t wear them!!!

I know of this local jeweler who makes some pretty cool pieces and low and behold she had a monstera leaf encased in copper just waiting for me!!!



I love your Christmas Cactus. I love all Christmas Cactus. When it blooms please tag me in your pics of it. Too many cats here for plants :grimacing:


My Nanny had the most BEAUTIFUL Christmas cactus that bloomed all year it had a mind if it’s own. When we moved it didn’t survive was a sad day for us. :broken_heart:

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Absolutely gorgeous.

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This is really cool.
Fashion Show !

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Here’s the single bloom I got from my baby last year:


Any update on your avocado plant?

What a lovely thread :heart_eyes::seedling::green_heart:


My giant grandmama hoya got a makeover this morning with some new moss covered stakes.


I’m always propagating my plants but this makes me happy. I hope these Thanksgiving Cactus or whatever they are take root. I also noticed the string of hearts have new growth! I need to put them in a proper pot.


I’m so excited…
@RosaCanDo and @Faugxh

I was showing my mom your Christmas cacti and saying how I wished my Nan’s hadn’t died. Apparently my mom saved it and I had no idea…

It’s still not looking great but I took some cuttings, maybe I can start a beauty of my own.


I remember you saying you’re running out of room for your plants. Have you thought of this :point_down:


Well… I have a couple spots I can put shelves on the walls, I think.
I really liked Rosa’s idea of the window rod things and I have some rods not being used that are already hanging. Maybe it’s a sign. :wink:


It’s wonderful he survived! I love how fucking tenacious they are.
A baby one of mine recently turned red and I think he got too much sun and too much water for a while (was hanging high in a window, hard to monitor). He’s doing better out of the direct sunlight. Just an idea! Happy you got this oldyin and good luck with the babies!

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Glad to hear it survived! i need to replant mine. What color of blooms does that one get?

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That is so wonderful! My giant Hoya plant comes from a cutting of my grandmother’s plant maybe 35-40 years ago and I cherish that plant. I hope you have success!

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