People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Yes it’s the same vanilla, you get maybe 70-100 pods per plants per year, we have the right climate to grow them outdoors here(sub-tropical) but need to manually pollinate the flowers that only bloom for a few hours that them become the pods, it’s a long process


And where do you live to have such climate?
Here in the Netherlands one vanilla stick costs €5,- :woozy_face:


In Durban, South Africa, you can grow them in greenhouses in colder climates, maybe indoors but not 100% sure on this, you can keep taking cuttings to grow new plants so can build up a lot of them in a couple years


First new leaf in a long time on my dragon tail and it’s forked! It badly needs repotting and put on a moss pole. Maybe I’ll find time today.


Does it bloom every year?? My clivia has only bloomed once on its own in five years I’ve had it (it came with blooms and then once again). I hibernate it as I was told, and don’t swamp it with water. Leaves are looking good, but what else should I be doing to it? :sob:

Climate-wise, we’re in a flat in Madrid, Spain, so dry and cool in winter, dry and hot in summer. Send clivia help.

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These plants had been in recovery at my mum since last year in April when I was on a inpatient rehabilitation.

Now they are new arranged and will be my therapy plants to take care of!



A few of the stems from a bunch of roses I got a couple of months ago developed new leaves. I put the stems into a glass of water and a single one of them has rooted and now has its own pot.


I love my theraplants!


I have one plant in my bedroom which is already with me many many years! I call him Peter, no idea why but Peter really helps me to feel somehow better whenever my depressive episode is going worse. Even now he helps me and I’m glad he is in my life!


First run for greenhouse construction supplies.

I have a SMALL car. Real small.

Dad and I just went down one of the main drags in town with a 10’ piece of wood hanging out the window, half a ladder out the other window, and 400lbs of concrete in the trunk. We’re like discount Beverly Hillbillies.


First batch of my outdoor plant fam has been migrated successfully. Temporary spot in the far corner of my yard where the sun won’t burn them but they’ll still get plenty of sunshine up til about noon. Into the greenhouse once its built.

1 or 2 more trips to go.

Those who can hack a bit more full sun get put at the base of mama agave.


So many beautiful plants and mama agave is gorgeous…you really do know what you are doing!


Thank you, although I cannot take credit for momma agave - she was like that when I got here. That’s all mother nature :earth_americas:


I love seeing this! In a month I’ll be moving my plant family, too, albeit of a vastly different variety. I hope all your kiddos do well in the transition.


Update on my pothos manjula and the new leaves coming in after chopping it.

Some of them are almost pure white. I love the contrast with the greener leaves, the white and the little spots of green they have. I know it has to do with when I cut it and the level of sunlight it’s getting at this time of year.


And one more update…this pilea is exceeding expectations beyond my wildest dreams after seeming dormant for so long!


Hey plant people. I saw this on Twitter, so it must be true :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Actually I googled it. So it must be true :crazy_face:.

Anyway. I thought it was pretty cool. Thought I’d share. This plants flower is shaped like a humming bird.


Thanks for this reply! Being in a flat, I do not have a cooler, shaded place like a porch or a shed to hibernate the clivia totally. It basically spends the winter at the same temperature as the family (though we don’t need crazy heating where I am). I think this might be the problem, since the whole blooming thing seems to hinge on the latent period. I’ll keep looking for ways to get it going. Thank you!

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Migrated table number 2

Only a handful of big boys to bring over now.


Dragonscale alocasia is going mental in its ~1 month under the skylight.

Leaves in back were the first two to grow under my care, back in Nov/Dec.

Leaf on the left was the last one to come in before the move. And I thought that one was big.

Until this new one, and it’s not even done yet. Mama mia, what a monster.

4 more new leaves brewing, too. Rapid fire kinda shit. She’s gonna need a new pot already.