Sorry first I read you had “pot” stashed away and thought you were talking marijuana. I thought that ain’t no pot plant. I really need to have my glasses on.
Beautiful lilies! The deer munched mine off again this year.
Bought my first 2 house plants.
They didn’t have Pepermonia “Hope”
@Its_me_Stella but they did have
The Rana Verde
She said they’d have some Hope next weekend. Small ones though.
I think it will look nice up here in the new pot I put it in.
And I was awestruck by these leaves
Lemon Lime Maranta
Prayer Plant.
I thought it would look good with some baby Stella clone company
I just stuck them in dirt like you said. I used a cactus mix. And they’re doing quite well I’d say.
Welcome home guys
Oh you got one too! Of course you do. You probably have a few of them. Cool. I was hopi g it would like that shelf. Afraid it might be too small. Like you said. I am hoping it will relax and stretch out. Plenty of light on either side.
And yours is gorgeous
Yes prayer plants are my favorite, I do have a few different ones. This one I posted the other day is also a part of the Marantaceae family. Its called a peacock plant and it prays at night as well.
I love their leaves too.
Nice pot selection.
All my conophytums are starting to shed their protective summer skins in anticipation of autumn/winter growth.
First one to totally wake up from sleep is conophytum flavum. Some bits of dead skin left but mostly free.
Two of them split in the process, so where I started with 12 heads - I now have 14.
This Coleus is going gangbusters out in the Catio
I’m hoping with the California weather it’ll last a long time. Hopefully through the winter into next year.
Love the deep colour and edges.
I have something similar looking at this.
I will post tomorrow.
That plant looks so happy!
My coleus has done really well this year. Unfortunately, it’s already starting to get cooler overnight so it won’t last much longer. Maybe two or three weeks. I wish i could keep them inside over the winter, but i tried it before and it didn’t turn out so well
Finally decided to hang up my syngonium. I never expected it to trail like this but I think it will be happy here. This also allowed me to move my snake plant to the sunny window where I hope it will be happy.
Those are nice Coleus’s
Love them.
I’m hoping the California weather will keep mine alive indefinitely. This is my first year out here. Be fun to see what happens.