Pet pics! #6

Aww this is really sweet

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I love this sweet animal so much it scares me.


It is. Just one more thing making me tear up today. Then there is this! Ruby giving Tony the business!


Oh this is too funny!

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Leila with her favorite toy

Mop really hoping to get a sip of my coffeešŸ¤£ sheā€™s weirdly obsessed with coffee


Sheā€™s so bloody cute, I canā€™t deal. This is the exact type of dog that I want!


Love them both! I havenā€™t a clue what they areā€¦definitely mixed muts but the cutest.


I wouldnā€™t get anything but a mix really, I donā€™t altogether agree with pedigree. I love street dogs and cats :star_struck:

Yours are just the perfect size and so cute. I do have a weakness for sheepdogs as well. :two_hearts:


Same here I love street dogs. I got both of mine from the streets poor girls were half dead when I found them as puppies. They both have such funny personalities and Leila is a natural at herding the sheep. Mop not so muchšŸ¤£

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How are you doing today? Know we are all with you in spirit and here if you need us. Sending hugs to you my friend :people_hugging:

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They are adorable. You must not have cats. Look at the beautiful plants. Mine would eat them!


Thanks Jasmine. Saying goodbye was just awful. I will miss that sweet boy forever. Doing my best to keep busy and spend time with my 3 other pets. Ruby, our younger golden, isnā€™t herself. Iā€™m going to bring her for a nice walk. Then donate blood then get my hair done then watch football with the husband.


Nope no cats. I would love to borrow a cat for a few days to get rid of the micešŸ˜‚ but my allergies and my dogs wouldnā€™t like that.

Wanted to add that Iā€™m thinking of you with the passing of your dog. Really sorry


Iā€™m sorry friend. I canā€™t even imagine the heartache you go through in letting a dear pet go. Grateful that you are sober and have a loving home to help lift your spirits. Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned. Sending hugs your way :hugs:

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Thanks @Laner and @JazzyS ā€¦ heading out to Pilates. I am going to offer up my session to my Gunny. Funny thingā€¦ Tony (kitty) wonā€™t leave my side. I think he senses my sadness. He was the adorable kitten that showed up at my back door 3 weeks after I lost my sweet cat, Guy, in October '21. He gas become my emotional support kitty. I love my Tone.


Amazing how much our pets can feed and feel our emotions. My dog always licks my tears away when I cry and will sit in my lap. Hope you get good comfort from your other pets. I had to google pilates :joy: have a good session! Hope itā€™d stress releaving for you!


Pets are amazing and Iā€™m so grateful I have my three. Ohā€¦it gets betterā€¦it is Hot Pilates in a 130 degree F sauna. Yup, Iā€™m crazy!:rofl::rofl:


Good lordy! :scream: when I go to sauna I sit and drink tea. I think Iā€™ll continue this. Lol
Good for you though you must be in good shape!


Iā€™ve been going to this studio, Hotworx, for over 3 years. There is yoga, barre, isometric exercises, cycling, rowingā€¦I love it. Well, you knowā€¦for 64 I am in pretty good shape. Might even hold up against out of shape younger folks, too. LOL

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