Hey, I was just wondering if anyone with some more time off alcohol could describe how they felt the first few months.
I’m at 2 months and I’ve started working out, eating really well (clean, nutritious, calorie deficit). Started a new job. Trying to be positive about things but I’m getting frustrated with a couple things.
Sometimes I go through emotional swings, I’ll feel positive, happy and loving then swing wide to pissed and depressed and negative… to just blah… and back again. Sometimes several times a day. Sometimes I’m in a sort of brain fog, sometimes I overthink things. Has that evened out for anyone beyond 2 months not drinking?
As far as physical health, I’m working out with weights, walking a lot and eating about a 1000 calorie a day deficit but I’m not noticing any changes in strength or weight after 1.5 months. In the past I’ve lost weight a lot faster with less exercise (mid 20’s compared to mid 30’s)… am I just being impatient?
I know these things are different for everybody but I’d just wanted to hear about your experiences and to know if things will continue to get better going forward from 2 months. To ME it feels like forever ago, and so I’m sitting here wondering… where the hell are all my changes? But is 2 months really too soon to tell?