Pizza and salad night

What’s everyone having for dinner tonight? I always find eating healthy keeps me on a good path and not want to grab that beer while relaxing. I also love to exercise and try to as often as possible although it’s hard when being a full time student as well single father to find time to exercise.


Have you seen the foodie thread? There’s some really great dinners shared on there.


I’m in the same situation. Working out doesn’t have to mean 90mins in the gym…
All your body really needs is to increase your heartrate for a period of time to stay in shape and healthy. Unless you’re really wanting to bulk up or maintain tone.
Try deadlifting the bed or something. Get creative with it. You might surprise yourself.
Personally, I taped all my cooking magazine together and use them as free weights during covid-19

As for dinner I have not a clue🤦
I just made a similar post

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I will have to check it out!

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