Please help I need it

I have been an alcoholic for a while and I want to quit and be sober but I can just drown out all my problems/worries with it. I hate myself in the mornings after I drink but continue to do it. I become very emotional sometimes when I drink and it comes out when I’m alone and it’s honestly scary. I deal with a lot of problems with people I’m in charge of and deal with ptsd so the only way I see to ease the pain of most of that is to get drunk. I feel like I’m out of options and need help but don’t want to seem soft.


Hi and welcome this is a great place to start :blush:
So when you drink to get rid of your problems are they solved or just postponed for a while i found the latter and then had to deal with same problems feeling worse than if i had faced them in the first place, see in addiction we get programmed to take easy way out but in sobriety yes its a little harder but it begins to feel better and easier dealing with it all.
I used to hit the bottle over money , relationships work the lot but drinking never ever solved the problem just allowed me to not think about it for a short time.
Build some sober tools read what you can and come on here you soon will be able to face them again.good luck ADAAT
Oh and dont worry about seeming soft asking for help is bloody hard, if u ask me soft is continuing to hide behind drink and drugs :muscle::grinning:


Hello you’re not alone. I had that same issue, mornings were brutal :weary: the regret. Being disappointed in yourself .And more. I myself I’m not an alcoholic. My poison was cocaine but when mixed with alcohol and the casino I was my own enemy. Today makes 10 days cocaine free. I’m proud of that. I just came in from the casino had two drinks and enjoyed myself with absolutely NO COCAINE. And im fine didn’t spend/drink over my limit. But my point is. Quit when your body says quit. Your body will talk to you. But listening is key :key: I can’t tell you how good it feels waking up in the morning without a hangover or coke flop. It’s a beautiful thing. Pray and ask God for strength. He will see you through.


Hey. I sometimes see and deal with crazy stuff at work, I work in a tough predominantlymale field that would not be at all considered soft. I thought that the drinking was helping and surpressing the depressed/ptsd thoughts and figured it was somewhat normal in my line of work.
What I found was that stopping drinking in reality stopped a lot of the negative thoughts and feelings I was having.
Almost 4 months ago I was feeling desperate and knew that I was finally done with drinking. It still took some work and some will power but it got a lot easier. 4 months ago was not my first time trying to quit but it was the first time I tried using this community, stick around stay strong and find what works for you.


Hey, good to see you checking in. I think everyone can relate to all the selfhate in the morning, the shame and sadness that comes with drinking. I know I’ve been there. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Have a good look around here and maybe check out this thread :point_down: to help you get started. And most important, keep coming back. Connection was the one thing that kept me going.


Have you tried AA ore rehab? Sounds like you could use some help to get started. What have you tried so far?
I understand the hateful feelings you have towards yourself.
It’s a merry go round :sweat:
For me it was: getting up with a hangover and feeling sick, ashamed and guilty. Decide not to drink anymore. Next day feeling a bit better and thinking a lot about drinking. On day 3 I felt great and decided I haven’t had a problem at all and started to drink again. Like I said a merry go round…

The only one who can stop this is you.
If I where you I would read this thread:What's YOUR plan? and if you would to check out online meetings ore in real life you find them here:Resources for our recovery
If you drink a serieus amount of alcohol each day I would advice you to see a doctor first before you quit.


Just read whats your plan Amazing love it