Podcast Reccommendations?

Hi everyone. Can anyone reccommend any good podcasts about soberity etc.? I noticed Spotify now does podcasts, wondering if anyone knows of any good ones to check out on there?

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I think there are a couple if podcast threads of your search for them using the Search function :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


High Sobriety - listened to #40 today, it was pretty amazing!

Arm Chair Expert with Dax Shepard. Not focused on sobriety, but hes got 14 years of sobriety and is very open about it. There’s some good nuggets woven in his pod casts, plus it’s very funny.

Recovery Elevator is also a good one, though its very quiet and hard for me me to hear at times (I got hearing issues).


Thank you so much @Dejavu! I’ll check them out.

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Recovery Radio with Russell Brand. Real raw funny deep. My favorite.

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Thank you for the recommendations!


SoberCast and The One You Feed

Haha for sure!! :laughing: thanks for this tag @anon86726034
I’ve commented on a few of the podcasts threads now, LOVE Em! I especially like and enjoy -
-Russell Brand Under the Skin
-The Rich Roll Podcast
-Oprah’s SuperSoulSunday
-Dr Phil’s Phil in the Blanks
-Tara Brach
-Dr Wayne Dyer radio
these ones aren’t all specifically about sobriety, but it often comes up as majority are in recovery : )

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I am loving Annie Grace’s podcasts.

Thank you everyone for the responses. I’ll be sure to check them out!

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The Sober Guy Podcast, the Recovery Revolution Podcast, the Sober Experiment Podcast are a few I am listening to now. The Recovery Revolution most recent episode interviews with a Rabbi talking about the dangers of being addicted to self. It was thought provoking.

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@SWguy what platform are you using to play the podcasts?

I am using Stitcher. If you search keywords like recovery, alcohol, sobriety a bunch of recovery podcasts turn up.

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