Post your most inspiring photos of nature #4

I know, and appreciate. I’ve removed regardless. It feels like I’m sharing too much or perhaps being a show off. I dunno. It’s not my intent, just get such joy from my view. It’s the only thing really keeping from telling the wife we are packing up and moving.
I wish to be “back home “ in BC so try to convince myself this is the place…

One of my largest fights with alcohol is my inability to just be happy with where I’m at. I don’t really feel I have a place that satisfies that itch for long. I’m always looking over the fence where I wish to be.


I love your photos! Please don’t stop posting them. You have a real talent for photography. Thank you for sharing.


What has happened? I haven’t seen one bad photo from you?


It was my fault. I feel terrible. I said something like “you’re making it so hard to like you lol… stunning photo” teasing. I feel so bad :pleading_face: his photos are incredible


@tifflynn07 , it definitely was not “your fault”. It’s something I always struggle with when posting pics, especially my personal views. I had hesitation with sharing to begin with regardless.

I know your words were only in jest and not meant in any hurtful way at all, so don’t put that on your shoulders for one second. It’s my anxiety of crossing a line is all, and has nothing to do with your fun banter. Rest assure.

Here is another from my bedroom view, just to show it wasn’t you.


It is perfection. I love your posts. All of it, and I adore you. Very much 🩵🩵🩵🩵


I want a pot of tea and a good book to sit here forever.
Maybe a pile of books and a kettle might be needed.

Sort me out, Nick?


You are too kind Tiffany.

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Of course I would.
Sharing is the name of the game.

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View from my happiest place in the world, cabin in central BC Canada :canada:


WoWzers!!! What an incredible place!
Exactly what my husband and I are looking for. :purple_heart:


On a cold winters night, sitting with a good book and a cup of tea in front of the fire :fire:
The fireplace is ducted throughout cabin to heat from basement to master bedroom upstairs.


Brilliant!! You are living my dream man. I see no neighbours around you in yer pic’s, that for me would be heaven. Do you have wildlife passing by on occasion?


@Pinkeuphoria The first picture of the duck/chicken thing… I’ve only ever seen at one park in my life. Spring Lake Park… are you from the area?

Well I’m not living it now, as I am
Currently living in NS on east coast. But we will be making our way back to it for our more permanent home base in retirement in a couple years.
10 acres all fenced, no neighbors that you can see. We have one on other side of lake but they are kind of over a hill on other side.
As for wildlife, yes, plenty. Too many deer to count, fox, coyotes, occasional wolf, moose, black bear and sometimes a badger or two.
Pack of coyotes took down a moose on our first weekend there and had it devoured within two nights.
Atv trails for 100’s of kms from cabin and high mountain lakes with the best rainbow fishing you’ve ever seen. All wild trout and not a soul in sight.


I appreciate your presence here and you seem to be someone who would be very receptive if someone told you that you had crossed a line.
Its hard to infer tone in written word.

You live in a beautiful place made more spectacular by your photos. Show us that light.


Thanks Emilie. I appreciate you and your words.

Someone once said to me that I shouldn’t have issues. That I’m living the dream. While I don’t ever take for granted what I have and worked for my entire life, I did have a past as well that they didn’t see.
A broken home, alcoholic hateful stepfather, mother with mental issues and running away from home permanently at 15 and living on the street for a while, all added issues that I deal with on my own and mostly hide from the real world.
So while I understand people not getting what ails me, they haven’t seen where I came from to get here and what I still struggle through.

I think many on this site, perhaps do… or at least give me the benefit of the doubt.


Ah I see. No, you’re fine, don’t feel terrible, I’d understand you were joking :heart:


This makes me angry for you. Pain isn’t a competition and as someone who has done some rounds with depression I understand why this makes me angry.

You have just as much of a right to your feelings as anyone else and being on this site helped me learn that for myself too. I grew up fairly soft and still fell into alcohol and addiction and mental health struggles. You don’t have to justify your backstory to anyone but thanks for sharing it here.

Thanks for talking it out here and I love to see vulnerability and conflict resolution in action. Well done to @tifflynn07 too. Y’all are rock stars! Much love today.


Absolute truth. As one person’s trauma cannot be compared to another’s. We all respond differently to our life experiences and the impacts aren’t always visible to others.