I get absolutely livid when I’m told I’m powerless. Powerless against the drug, powerless against myself, my own worst enemy. Does anyone else feel that we are taking away our power to fight by stating we are powerless against our demons? I’d love to hear both sides
Just because we are “powerless” towards something now, does not mean we will always be “powerless” to it.
I’m powerless once I take a drink, I’ve proven it 1000s of times.
Doesn’t make me livid, it’s a fact I accept. I’ve been sober about 15 months and I know for me that if I drink, I will die spiritually and be in the same black hole I was in before.
It’s all been said above I think.
If I drink I can’t stop.
I surrendered to that fact, and now by not having a drink I am in control. It no longer bothers me because my life is so much better for it.
Can I say no the first one, I can now. For 22 years I could not. For me, that was being powerless. If I drink 1, I will drink more. That is powerless.
Military taught me to know your own weakness, there is strength in that. My ego isnt so big I cannot admit that I am powerless over alcohol. If I didnt admit that, I would have litterally put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger.
I am strong, I am powerfull.
I used to feel like you but I don’t anymore.
If you have the power to quit your DOC anytime you want then more power to ya.
I do not, when I start drinking I can’t stop, so I am powerless over alcohol. I don’t see admitting it as a weakness, I see it as strength of finally recognizing and coming to terms with my addiction. Only when we see something for what it truly is can we begin to make lasting, meaningful changes.
I’m 100% powerless over drugs and alcohol. That’s why I don’t use them. I am powerless over people, places and things. That’s why I can’t change them. I am NOT powerless over my actions and behaviors. That’s why I work on my recovery every day. I’ve been empowered by AA and God to become a better person. I no longer give my power over to drugs and alcohol. I receive my strength from my Higher Power and I cherish it for the blessing that it is.
I think what I’m saying is more or less that I don’t like being told that I have no power. I know that I’m powerless when I’m using but i don’t like the thought that i have no power to fight back. We all fight every second that we are sober. Take back your power! We all have it within us.
You do have power to fight back though. That’s what a program of recovery is.
My will power got me into this mess. Whoever has it can keep it. I don’t want it back. My life is super awesome when I admit I am not in control.
With alcohol, with drugs, we have no control, we have no power. Without them we are completely in control of our outcomes and the direction our lives are going. You’re free to take what you want with out your DOC… Giving in, gives up your power.
The way I had it explained to me that mmade the most sense and what it means to me is that I have no power once I take one drink. Once I put my hand on a drink and have it, I just handed that power over to alcohol.
Obviously we have the power to NOT pick up that drink, but once we do our ability to have power over alcohol, or whatever your doc is, is gone.
The power I found in my recovery is intoxicating !
I get where you are coming from. Powerless sounds so negative and in recovery we should be focusing on positivity. I agree with being powerless when it comes to drinking a drop of alcohol. I cannot stop once I start which is why I’m here. I quick cold turkey 128 days ago and I have not had a drop since then. The willpower that it has taken to get here makes me powerful!! However, if I ever take a drink again, I’m powerless. I feel the same away about the word “alcoholic”. I prefer to say that I have a problem with alcohol. I have a problem stopping once I start. It’s the same thing but it seems less negative to me. Everyone is entitled to think of this in their own way. The focus should be on recovery and not necessarily the terms associated with it. Just my thoughts…
I totally understand how you feel. To be told we’re powerless. We are in control of our lives, right? We have have the power of free will and to choose, so where do people get off saying we are powerless? Amirite?
Actually, I found I am not right. I am NOT in control of my life and I AM powerless when it comes to my DOC. Our ego wants us to believe we have the power to chose, that we consciously are chosing to drink, or to drug, to make the terrible choices we make, but it’s not our will, its the will of our addiction. It makes no logical sense why we continue to poison our bodies, why we continue to put our lives in jeopardy, why we hurt those we love. The only logical answer is that we aren’t chosing to, we are powerless to our addiction.
Now, that doesn’t mean we can’t overcome and take the power back, because we surely can, we just need to realize, with full conviction, that we are indeed powerless. Only then can we gain the power to change.
I wish you well.
I think maybe I’m being misunderstood. maybe it’s me misunderstanding. I think i don’t like the thought that I’m powerless to fight my demons. I ABSOLUTELY know I’m COMPLETELY powerless against my addiction. I’ve proven that a thousand times, when I’ve stuck a needle in my arm. But I’m seeking the strength and resolve to fight back and take back my clarity, my family… my life. Thank you all for your input. I agree with powerlessness against my drug. Love you all!!
Sometimes admitting you are powerless and surrendering is the strongest thing you can do. It is with help and support that we defeat these addictions. We find strength in numbers.
You aren’t powerless to fight your demons. That’s why you have a higher power, to get the power to fight them and to fight along side you. You are powerless over the drug or the alcohol, bit if you don’t take the first drink you retain the power and don’t give it away.
I think you are on the same page as everyone else?
You are only powerless once you’ve started. If you don’t start then you have ALL THE POWER (insert supervillain mwuahahaha laugh here )
I love the idea of taking back your clarity as well as your life. That’s a great attitude!
We do have power over drugs and alcohol by not using them. The powerlessness comes when we take that first hit/drink.
You have power in your behavior and reactions