Proud and ashamed

Hello all.

1209 days clean and sober but still strgle hard with trust and neediness. I depend on my wife for emotional phisical mental support and its draining to her. Wich makes her pull back wich makes me want more closeness wich makes her pull ack harder and well you get the idea…

I am very proud of my days but full of shame for my behavior…But hey its a journey 1 day at a time.


Congratulations on your sobriety. Have u read the book codependent no more? It’s a great book to read it made me realise how codependent I was on my partner and it really helped me x


Sometimes we think people just know us and that means they know how we feel and what we are going through in recovery. That’s not always the case. Maybe if you write her a letter and let her know how grateful you are to her for her part of your recovery, not that you don’t already, but sometimes the letters allow us to dig deeper into our feelings, and explain them more thoroughly without any other influence. And partners love the feeling of appreciation.


And I forgot to congratulate you on your sobriety. Keep it up it’s inspiring to some of us with so many days ahead!! (I’m at 104 and counting!)

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That’s amazing clean time maybe get into some therapy to help you understand why your overly needey it’s like we’re teenagers trying to figure it all out,I ask myself why is this ?? Brilliant thread iho I don’t buy the whole theory about we get stuck as teenagers when we start using but I’d love to find more about this myself xx

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Thank you. A letter is a great idea😁.
Keep strong and congrats on your 104 days great Job.

They recomended that book to my wife at the beggining of my sobriety. Maybe its my turn to read it…Thank you so much😁


Good luck I even tried coda meetings to get help ! X

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That makes sence i havent been to a meeting since lockdown…ima try zoom meeting.
Thank you!

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