PTSD anyone?

Aho’ ! Keep your head up! I’m nothing great everyday either but I try my hardest to walk the Red Road! Miigwetch got welcoming me👍🏼

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Yes from 10 years as a hospice nurse and a few traumatic deaths.

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Yes, from chaotic home and brother that is verbally and mentally abusive. I have disengaged from him. Also, moved away from hometown across the country. Visiting area still brings up bad memories.
Sobriety and therapy has helped. Also, did EMDR with sober therapist that has alcoholic training. :unicorn:
I still feel like I have to control things.

Multiples :innocent: im going to read thrue the topic first and will get back then tomorrow

I have the same with my work a social worker the cases I’ve had to work with are the saddest complicated soul distroying yet I drink!


Sarah I forgot my colleagues in SW. The secondary trauma accumulates over time until it breaks us.

Hoping to find a way to way to deal better when I am a sober nurse. But am hoping to find a less emotionally complicated area than Palliative.

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Yes but kat think where would they be without people like you?? What you do what you train for is an amazing thing and an amazing job. I love mine I really do I just don’t get people and how cruel they can be! We both know alcohol only serves as a bridge as when people care like we do humanity is still alive


Stay in touch and stay sober. I did a month working with these guys on here it really helped me. As for me it took my mind of the things we wake up too and it’s really postive. And if you do fall, which you may not there is always a good ear here

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Yes. Besides the abuse I went through as a child I’ve had other events in my life that have made it worse.

I was a Paramedic for 30 years. It has made recovery that much harder. Make sure you are getting help. You’ve got this.