Ramblings of Recovery (had less ramblings than I thought?)

Hello everybody,

I hope you are having a great weekend. Here in Germany it’s been very warm lately. :slight_smile: Which is something I usually appreciate.

I just wanted to make this into a daily kind of thing.
(If that’s too much please let me know down below, I don’t want people to miss out on the more usefull recovery tips)

I’ll have to go to the doctor tomorrow to get some bloodwork done. I’ve had little to zero appetite lately and keeping liquids in has been difficult.

My money is either on withdrawals or stomach flu. Or maybe it’s in my head. I’m grasping at straws here tbh.

Been sleeping alot. Like up to 16 hours a day. My dreams are a kind of semi realistic non-euclidean nightmare scenario.

They remind me of reaching for impossible openings (wonder what that’s all about).

Anyways that’ll be all for today. And again if this is too much just delete this post and I’ll take my ramblings elsewhere.

From Germany,



It’ll improve homie, just keep being sober :slight_smile: In time you’ll start to feel much better and then you’ll be glad you got away from your drug of choice :smiley: Definitely get a lot of rest and when you can try to eat some food and drink some water.

Also, once you start feeling more okay, try to workout. It can help you sweat out your drug of choice and give you some natural, good dopamine. Working out also speeds up the withdrawal process from my understanding.

Feel free to reach out whenever you need dude :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply and yes working out seems like a good way to go :smiley:

I would tell you that I used to be quite active before I started this lifestyle but I’d be lying.

The most i ever did was ride a bike to the grocery store and maybe some light swimming but that’s it.

This may come a bit suddenly but if I have any fitness related questions, do you mind if I write you a message?

I want to start living a more active lifestyle once I stop visiting the toilet every 5 minutes. Maybe I need somebody who knows more about this kinda stuff than I do.

Thanks and have a good one. :slight_smile:


Depending on what you’re recovering from, stomach flu can be a symptom of withdrawal. See what comes back from the doctor and go from there. We’re here for you, feel free to post whenever you’d like. :slight_smile:


Hi Jonas!
There you are and you alrrady has started your thread, good! :+1:

Are you going to tell your doctor about your recovery? It would help him do make a diagnose about your stomache issues :hugs:
But like said above, I think you have those because you are detoxing.

If you are interested in going to the gym? There is a nice thread about all that here too. Feel free to join!

And maybe this is inspiral too:

Have a good day! :raising_hand_woman:

Ramblings again:

Hi there, hope you are having a start for your week.
I’ve been extending my sick leave unteil Wednesday. My Boss was really cool about it. He told me to get back ONLY if it is absolutely ok for me to be there. And if not I should extend for as long as I need. Not really sure if I should take him up on that offer.

What else? Going back to sleep now. Already did my 4 daily activites today.

(Eat, Sleep, be depressed, repeat)

Have a good one.



About the fitness related questions, yeah for sure dude :smiley: Hit me up whenever you have questions or anything :slight_smile:

That’s great that your boss understands :slight_smile:

In my opinion about extending it: I’ve been working in a very corporate, office-political environment, so my suggestion would be to try not to extend it unless you really need it. I know he’s offering it, but still it’s possible for him to turn on you if you take his offer to extend it. I’ve seen stuff like that happen to one of my friends.

But again, if you feel you really need it extended, then definitely put yourself first and do what you gotta do to stay sober :slight_smile: Best of luck dude, I hope it goes well :smiley:

Also just curious, what field are you in @JonasE

Im in software development/DevOps :slight_smile:

I’m in logistics, I transport pallets and boxes. That’s the short version. Nothing too fancy haha :smiley:

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Ah okay that’s cool :smiley: You probably get a good arm workout from it I can imagine :slight_smile:

But yeah I’m glad your boss understands, seems like you have a good work environment :smiley:

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Whew what a time to be alive. It’s past midnight here in Germany and I had some urges right now.

Most of them partaining to tearing all of this down again so I can do what I believe I do best.

Which is drinking.

The most concerning part of this? I actually think of it full of joy instead of dread. I obviously stay at home but my mind is telling me: “you haven’t gone far enough.”

You can do worse.

Maybe that’s just my mind trying to rationalize this time in my life.

Dopamine seems to somewhat work again which is good (?) Let’s hope I can actually do sth useful with that tomorrow. Now I have to sleep.

See ya. :slight_smile:

It’s never too much! I love reading these post. Hope everything turns out okay, wish you the best!

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Ramblings for today:

Met some new people in my regular AA-Meeting. New for me at least.

They’ve been active for longer than I am. I just happen to rejoin at this point.

My appetite has come back somewhat and I don’t spend as much time on the toilet as I used to.
Yay for me. :slight_smile:

The big one today seems to be guilt. Not just related to alcohol but in general.

I know my thoughts do not define me as a person. My actions do. But still.

There is something bigger at play here than just the substance abuse.

Better keep an eye on that.



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Glad you’re feeling better homie!!! :smiley:

Yeah I think as the days pass, you’ll start to feel better and better, keep pushing through dude!!! :smiley:

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Daily update for today:

Went through some of my old papers from rehab including the diagnosis I’ve been pushing away from my mind.

Maybe because it explains too much.

This whole day I’ve been having flashes of my past behaviours. Really puts me on edge tbh.

Just goes to show for someone like me to recover. I have to put in extra work. Because I don’t want to hurt the people I care about.

So yeah that’s it for today I guess.
Extended my sick leave till Monday.

Have a good one. :slight_smile: