Really need to get a grip on this. Day one, again

I feel absolutely terrible, sweaty and nauseas and shaky. I’m going to try and pick myself up, but it’s so hard. Previously, I managed over a year Sober so I know I CAN DO IT. It’s been a rough few months, still battling the feelings from a family estrangement and feeling lonely, tapping out, feeling scared and unmotivated with life. I’ve never felt this low since before April 10 2022 when I last quit.

I don’t feel deserving somehow. How did I let it all go? I had sobriety in my hands :sob::broken_heart:


You do deserve it. We all do. That’s why we do have to do this for ourselves. But together. I’m glad to see you friend. We’re in this together. ODAAT for all of us.


Thanks :pray: I’m really going to try everything again. Your words mean a lot :gift_heart:


Grab it back. It has always been an option you just stopped choosing it. Choose again. Change your choice and get back to living.


Yes I know, it’s the getting going that really kicks your arse. Need to seriously fix my attitude and focus.


If today the only thing you manage is sobriety than you have won the day. I’m rooting for you.


Thank you. I have been feeling so so low lately. I have to work harder now for my own mental safety. ODAAT :pray:


From a person who has battled the lows as well, they get more manageable once you take drinking a depressant out of the equation. Lean on us. I’ll stay sober with you today.


:100: I will. I was feeling awesome over a year Sober, my dopamine seemed to realign some… Then I think I was triggered by some family event and just relapsed into a PTSD induced mess almost immediately.

All that tells me is what was good can still be good again. And also what won’t help next time I meet a Trigger.


Maybe you just had to remind yourself that feeling bad was still an option. You’ve seen that route. Turn back to the good side. You don’t fail until you stop trying.


I think many people on here can relate to that.

In AA, Step two is coming to believe God can restore us to sanity. I always had a hard time with that step (this was many mpons ago when I was a young 20 and in AA), but I have come to understand it in so many ways ovef the years…whether in AA or not, whether one believes in God or not. It is a belief hat we are worth it, at its core, and many of us struggle with these feelings…I certaibly have and still do. Sending you strength and love. I know it can be scary and feel shattering to drink again but there is TRULY no shame. It happebs to many of us, and I rhibk as we move through it we come to see these moments or periods in our lives as an opportunity (if that makes sense). You will learn something about yourself through this, you will learn something about what you would like not drinking to look like FOR YOU, something good can come of this - if you allow it and are open to it. None of it may be apparent at first, but hold on to that hope…this is a learning moment for you to get more in touch with you. Grab it & run full tilt. Xo.

Also just to add (edit) family can be very triggering. I believe you defs will find people on here who absolutely get that even if they arent standing in your exact shoes, many of us have our family traumas. Theyre deep, their old and maybe that is what connects to you not feeling good enough…this history with your fam. It can revert us back to when we were small, and felt this way. Anyway, we here. Hang in there xo.


Thank you so much, lovely inspiring message and I appreciate it greatly :pray:


You do deserve it! You do deserve a life of being happy and addiction free. One where you are not battling sweaty, nauseous and shaky symptoms.

Well done on your previous stint. Do not focus on how that is lost but rather on how you will not drink today and not drink tomorrow…just ODAAT.

This can be emotionally taxing and it’s hard to deal with all these feelings but it can be done. Surround yourself with support. I see you are being active here - that’s awesome. I find this community to be super supportive. If you aren’t now - maybe try a meeting or two. Find ways to stay active with activities that will make you happy.

Here’s to another day won! :muscle::muscle:. Keep strong my friend


Big hugs. You most certainly do deserve a sober life, we all do. I hope the physical side of it gets better soon. Be gentle with yourself. Rest, fluids, etc. Don’t beat yourself up over the past, and don’t obsess over what you “let go”. You cannot change the past, so just focus on each 24 hours. What things worked well for you in that year sober? Get back to basics. The ‘maintaining’ stage of sobriety has its own challenges for sure. I’m sure you have learnt a lot from the relapse about what to look out for so it doesn’t happen again. And also think about what you can do to help the feeling lonely and unmotivated. You can do it!


Welcome back on the sober train @Tragicfarinelli :people_hugging:

Day 0 should be under your belt. How are you doing? I hope the intoxication symptoms have eased and withdrawals are bearable. You know it yourself, the depression aftermath will need some time to lift.
Be kind, friendly and caring to yourself. Sending you kindness and hugs with healing vibes :people_hugging::four_leaf_clover::sunflower:


Don’t beat yourself up over it. Keep checking in here, form some bonds, learn that you’re not in it alone and realize that you have worth and you are somebody more than the alcohol. It will be okay, it just sucks initially. Try a meeting as well. We’re happy to have you here!


Try not to beat yourself up over it hun. You can do this and i have nothing but faith in you. You absolutely do deserve this way of life❤️ ODAAT

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Thanks so much. Day two, didn’t sleep very well at all but am really trying to just focus on recovery. Meetings in not ready for, they just terrify me… thanks for your support I appreciate it.


Thank you. I like your cute avatar :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you so so much and I do feel welcomed back :heart: I’m still a bit sweaty and overheated and uncomfortable, didn’t sleep till like 3am and that’s the normal course for me, I just DO NOT SLEEP for days, then it gets better.

Meal planning and taking rest as well. Keep on keeping on, right? :pray: