Drunk, hungover, withdrawal, repeat ad infinitum. That’s been my life for the last few weeks.
Work has gone to shit, my life has gone to shit. My alcohol counsellor has begged me to go to hospital due to my withdrawals, but I’m too embarrassed to go and don’t feel worthy of help.
I can’t remember who said my next relapse may be my last, but they were completely right. I genuinely can’t see a way out of this one.
Sorry for the rant; feeling alone, tired and despondent.
Oh my dear friend i am so very sorry to read this. You are writing this so that tells me that you still have hope. You are still able to make your way out of the clutches of addiction.
I understand the embarrassment of not wanting to get help. fuck em (the ones who are judgmental or uncaring) – there is absolutely no shame in getting / asking for help and you should not have to go through these unsafe withdrawals alone. Please do seek some help. YOU are worth it!! YOU deserve a addiction free life and the only way to start this is to go through the hell of withdrawals.
I am all to familiar with the cycle of drunk / hungover and wanting to quit - never really made it to the quit part until this last time and by the grace of god and this community i am able to continue my journey.
please do not give up on yourself. seek help from friends / family / counsellor / meetings / recovery groups (online and offline). This community is here for you - we are all in the same boat and know how real the struggle is.
do not apologize for ranting or being vulnerable. I wish i could reach out and hug you - comfort you and let you know that you are not alone
You’re absolutely worth it. And hospital sees every type of ailment there is, they’ve seen it all, so there’s no reason to be embarrassed. You’re withdrawal is not even the worst thing they’re gonna see today. You can do one of two things. You can give up, or you can stand up for yourself and fight for your life. I think you know which one you want. Get your ass to a hospital and let’s start the road to recovery. You can do this.
Always will be here friend as will all the wonderful folks on this community. I do know how hard it seems and is but you can overcome this obstacle too and regain your life. I want you to practice some self affirmations – maybe they will help you with feeling more worthy and confident in getting help and moving forward
I am worthy
I deserve help
I can overcome this addiction
I deserve love
Sending you so much love and comfort
You are absolutely worthy of help. Reach out and grab what you can.
Recovery might feel impossibly hard, but right now is hard as hell, right? Choose a different hard. Recovery is done in small steps that build on each other. First you need to reach out to the alcohol counsellor or hospital. You just need to make that call. You can do it. Then do the next right thing.
Alcohol and withdrawal can also make you very depressed, too. It’s a chemical storm. And a lot thoughts we have are, well, a result of our bodies in stress. Try to power on.
Thank you everyone. Withdrawals are only getting worse so I’m going to go to the hospital. Will just have to lump my shame into the “stop being a dick and drinking box.”
I’ll update when I’ve successfully detoxed… again
I am so glad you (hopefully) have gone to the hospital. It sounds needed and eff your pride, we do what we must to finally heal this hole. I think we have all been in that same cycle of self loathing of some sort and yes, it feels so awful. The good news is you absolutely can change this cycle. It isn’t easy, but it is so worth it. YOU are worth it. Truly you are. Don’t give up on yourself!!
I hear you and see you! I understand that shame all too well and kept my addiction private for years, ever spiraling to my own destruction. You’ve already taken the steps to reach out for help and that’s such a HUGE step. The hospital will do everything they can to help you because they WANT to help you. You are worthy of it and no one can take that away. This journey is long and at times it feels like it’s breaking you. Just remember that it’s the addiction that’s hurting you, not the recovery. Once you’re through the dark woods of addiction, the light of recovery can be brighter than ever. You can do this!!
Thank you everyone. In hospital and detoxing as I’m typing this. 1.5 hours to go and hopefully I can go home.
All of the nurses have been very understanding and kind - I couldn’t believe the sheer amount of people in the hospital for alcohol withdrawal! Many of them much older than me with many more relapses. It was sad to see; I don’t want my life to go in the same direction.
I want this to be my final wake-up call. I’m utterly done with alcohol ruining my life. Lots of changes will have to be made, and I’m going to call my sponsor tomorrow to discuss starting Antabuse. Enough is truly enough.
Well done! You took this step, you asked for help. This is the most important part: Asking for help. Not trying to do it alone. Wishing you the best. Sending strenght and hugs your way
So glad to read that you are there.
Someone who wants help shouldn’t feel embarrassed.
I always say that asking for help from professionals feels and seems way worse than it is in our minds. It’s isn’t as bad as we imagine it will be.
So proud of you, really proud