Recovery Dharma Thread

I was about to write something on the f*ck right off thread. Came here instead. Thanks for being here thread and folks in it. So frustrated with a person admitted to the detox I work. Not interested in being clean, costing society money, taking a place that somebody else deserves more, destroying their own lives and destroying the live of others dependent on them…
Who am I to judge though. Not my road. Why do I want to change the things I cannot. Let me work on the things I can. Been interested in Buddhism for 40+ years. Tried meditating for 35 or so. Going to have another go. There’s one RD in person meeting a week in Amsterdam on the other side of town coinciding with my weekly pick up basketball game of course. Already promised to go play ball tonight.
Anyway. Thanks for the wisdom shared here. Love.


Glad you came here. Keep coming back if you want.


I love this:
“This is the true empowerment and freedom of recovery—recognizing that happiness and suffering are entirely up to us, based on how we choose to respond to our experiences.”

And this:
“letting go” of something small. Notice that the craving doesn’t last and that there’s a little sense of relief when you let it pass. That’s a little taste of freedom." :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just thought, well, this tells me something. Happens to be in my kindle library, read it a third. Should maybe continue :see_no_evil::grimacing:


That does sound frustrating and that is okay. Frustration is a normal reaction to stress.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough.


Sitting in this tonight

from “The Pocket Pema Chodron (Shambhala Pocket Classics)” by Pema Chödrön -

“when the resistance is gone, so are the demons.”

We all experienced this with our DOCs…now to implement it more fully in my life.


Love this one!! I find that’s exactly right too. Progress not perfection but letting go of resistance where I can is beautiful and SO freeing.

Thanks for this thread @Thirdmonkey


How ya doing?

Ooo I love this.

New to this thread. Been in AA for 4 years but as some of you know, last year I moved from Laos back to NY after 14 years in Laos… I love AA but was missing the vibe I got going to my meetings in Laos. Heck, I parked in the temple parking lot to walk to the cafe we had our meetings at… something about the temple grounds, and the whole setting of living in a Buddhist country … so someone on the meditation thread here on TS recommended Insight Timer and it’s like WOW … I’ve been listening to a whole lot of Thai Forest Buddhism talks and starting to feel more ground like I’m really walking myself home now and it doesn’t matter where I am I can have my practice… don’t need a temple. Anyways been sitting with this playlist and now finding this thread. Been on TS since March of 2019 and what a ride it’s been.
Looking forward to learning more about this form of recovery … so suggestions welcome… one day at a time.

That was a long run on rant. :grimacing::rofl::face_with_peeking_eye: My way of saying thanks.


Welcome! Glad you found the thread

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Today something interesting happened. I was in a bad mood after my coworker criticized my work. Nothing big, people make mistakes, we all do and tell each other. But today felt different. I was ready to go into bitch fight mode, but I didn’t.
Instead I asked myself why I’m this mad and what I need to stop that?
I was able to calm down after a very short time :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thats a wonderful thing!


I went to my first online recovery dharma meeting today. I enjoyed it. It wasn’t very big, maybe 20 people. Afterward they sent me a welcome email :slight_smile: Downloaded the book. The meditation we did today really hit me with how I feel about my ex. I’m going to replay again soon I think. Can’t stay angry forever. Gotta let that s*+! go… let go…

Feeling content.


Good to hear…around here 20 is huge


Hey… I just found out that the meeting I planed to joyn online today isn’t online, but in person… In Berlin. So I searched for other meetings online and I am so surprised about such a long list…
I found on

You can sort the list according to your time zone. Even found one specialized on codependency tomorrow in the afternoon. And a replacement for tonight. I will report how it was going.

I think I need this… I didn’t drink yesterday too… But i feel very depressed today. And i can’t manage it getting better by myself right now. Mindset stuff doesn’t work.

Craving unhealthy food, although I know it’s making things worse.


That is the absolute truth. We need help. Glad you found some meetings!


I think it was there where you can include it in your calendar and then you can select it in yoir calendar and see all meetings (translated to your time zone including a zoom link).


I just signed up for this Feb 4th. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m really enjoying the online meetings and reading as much as I can with my head on fire so to speak.


I would like to give you some more likes - :heart: @Thirdmonkey and @anon74766472 and hope to report about some meeting experience next week! Didn’t manage it this week.
Still reading around first 3 days of step one in dharma recovery daily reflections by Kevin Griffin. Reflecting. And had daily mediation.


Thanks for sharing :blue_heart::green_heart: