Recovery Dharma Thread

I try to read some pages this morning, I missed it doing the last week. Some questions are really tough because I have to be brutally honest with myself.
I acted selfish and I didn’t even acknowledge that until I began reading again.
Oof. Food for thought for today.


Hey :wave:; have been in a couple of dharma meetings today, earlier was like 70 people in US, and one tonight in uk was smaller and had good mantras for the meditation; I’m responsible for my own actions, may I find my own peace/ happiness,

and also thinking of somebody else, which I think is something I can think about

I’m not responsible for your happiness, I cannot control your happiness, may you do what needs to be done to find your own happiness/peace,



Just remembered lesson from step one.
I don’t have any control.
Yes I don’t have any!
The number of bottles I had to bring away at my last relaps just says everything!

The only thing I can control is not getting the first drink. This thought made me not take the wrong exit on my way back home from swimming!

Doing my meditation again every single morning… Love it

Doing the work on recovery in baby steps, but that’s okay. Will read further chapter on weekend.


That is perfectly ok. Sobriety is a journey


@mjtpeace a potential path, or something to put in your toolbox


Has anyone read it? I’ve just picked it up.


You know how you get a recurring knot in your back? Or the same joint in yoga that’s always a little tighter than anywhere else? I’ve got that going right now with impermanence. I get so stuck on it. I want things to change now! Or never at all. I cling to what needs letting go, and avoid the things that are already here. Okay, not everything, but still.

Methinks this gem will help. :wink: :orange_heart:


Well that’s a title! Do put up a few interesting quotes from the book @M-be-free49 ? I am intrigued with a slight morbidity? :smile: 🫶🏻


I think i will read that

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One of my favorites…. I think about that one when I feel sadness about my ex (kids father) and how deeper down the drinking hole he has gone… nothing I can do… but I do wish him a way to find peace.


Work has been FULL on for me so I haven’t been able to make an online meeting last week or yet this week… but it is Monday so there is hope. I meditate morning and night with insight timer… grateful for resources like that…



Something that you might like.

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Just got it!

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@Fringle maybe another option for you

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Healing the inner child; I highly recommend; it’s beautiful; keep dreaming BIG . 🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻🙏🫶🏻


From “Wise Effort” reading at tonight’s meeting:

As we learn more skillful responses to our triggers, we gain space to have more compassion, lovingkindness, generosity, and forgiveness. And as this practice becomes more of a habit, equanimity and peacefulness begin to replace our habits of grasping and selfishness”.

It’s interesting to me that this is in the “Wise Effort” section. The opposite of “grasping”, at least to me, is letting go. It’s not really effort, but more like intentionally not trying. But maybe that’s the point?

I know in early recovery there was something about it that felt like clenching. But life is going to be full of situations I can’t control and triggers I can’t foresee. I would not be “being present” if I tried to imagine and prepare for what they all could be. So I let go of that, I guess - of grasping and clenching. And put my effort into my breath, into staying present, into cultivating equanimity, into my practice…

And this week? Life is giving me plenty o’ opportunity to practice… :wink: :orange_heart:


This, always this. Today more than ever. :herb:


@Kdogg47. Maybe being active here will help.


Just checking in with everyone. Still doing my thing, just busy with life. How are y’all?


Last 2 days wanted a meeting at 9pm uk time but it seems to jump from one at 8 then one at 10 :triumph: :laughing: otherwise I had a good meeting this week, every meeting I have in recovery dharma moves me and changes some little thing inside me, incredible 🫶🏻


They all recharge my sober batteries!