Reese's Check-ins

I’ve had quite a few relapses over the past few weeks. And I’ve noticed I’ve been avoiding SoberTime due to feeling shame and disappointment in myself. The only thing that I can do is try again, and really embody One Day At A Time.

Creating this thread in the hopes that having somewhere to check in daily will help me.

Day 1. Didn’t smoke, didn’t drink. Went grocery shopping after work instead of to the pot shop. Home now and tidying up my apartment.


Keep your strength up and make it through today…I am rooting for you.


Welcome back! Way to go on making better choices today :slight_smile:


That guilt and shame is the addiction trying to keep us feeling low and isolated. Glad you came back and are here with supportive peers. Day 1 is amazing friend :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. Looking forward to cheering you on in your journey ODAAT :tada:


Really stressful shift at work tonight. Wanting nothing more than to relax with a little weed and unwind. I’m going to try to make it through the next 20 minutes, because then the dispensary will be closed. Gonna make some food and keep from watching the clock.


You got this :muscle:t4:… cooking is great. I even just start playing games in my phone and that lets the time and urges pass for me. Whatever it takes …you don’t need that weed …one moment at a time :hugs:

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MADE IT. I felt some disappointment walking past the closed dispensary–I think moreso disappointed in know that if it was open, i likely would have walked in and gotten some weed. BUT the important thing is that I didn’t. I went home, played with my pet rat Linguine, caught up on some chores. Going to do some yoga, my nightly Tarot reading, and go to bed.


That is the most important thing! Way to go friend :clap:t4: :clap:t4:…a day sober is a day won :muscle:t4:

Your evening sounded lovely. Have yourself another beautiful day🤗


Got through another day. Stayed late at work again so i wouldn’t be tempted to pick up some weed. Home now, making dinner, doing laundry, taking it One Day At A Time.


What ever it takes. You are doing a grand job of avoiding the temptation by doing what needs to be done. I had to change my route home from work many a time to avoid the shops I usually stopped at. I now work from home full time and used to deliberately not buy all the things I needed for meals during the week so that I had an excuse to go to the shops after work. I would buy wine… every time.
No more. Now if I don’t buy everything I need then I eat whatever odd combinations are available. Hello hashbrowns and mozerella sticks one night last week!

Here is to another clean and sober 24 hours for us!

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Whoo hoo :tada::tada:. Another day is a great achievement :confetti_ball::clap:t4:.

Like Fiona said… whatever it takes …we just have to keep ourselves busy and away from triggers/ temptations. You are doing a fantastic job! We are here if you need support over the weekend. Hope you have a wonderful day