Reflections on my 6th Soberversary

Greetings all. Today I celebrate 6 years of sobriety, getting better at getting better, each and every day. Better today than I was yesterday, and tomorrow…better still.

Even though I’m not nearly as active here as I once was, I do check the messages almost daily. Maybe I leave a like or 2, or post a short comment. I figure I’ve said pretty much all that I have to say on the subject of sobriety.

It’s still a simple matter of saying “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink, and doing this 100% of the time.

My disease is in remission and keeping it there is 100% within my control. I only have to say “no” to one drink, 100% of the time.

I don’t consider myself a “recovering alcoholic”. I am a non-drinker. I won’t drink, because I don’t drink.

Now, I’m not a fool. I know that with a single drink, all bets are off. I might be able to moderate for a time, but experience as taught me that I were I to drink, I’d most likely be right back to it. I was right on the edge of the abyss 6 years ago. Never again.

All I have to do is hug my wife, and I know that giving up alcohol was addition through subtraction. Subtract alcohol, gain everything.

It’s never been complicated for me. Not saying it was easy in those first days and weeks, but it’s aways been a simple: don’t drink. Not even one. Not ever.

And life has been great these last six years. I saved my marriage. I found the martial arts. I earned black belt rank. I changed careers and became an instructor. I built strong relationships with my kids. I manage a martial arts school. I bought a mountain top.

And a bunch of folks here helped me do all these things. They helped with early encouragement, sharing their own experiences and victories large and small. I wouldn’t be here today without the love and support of my family and this community.

God bless you all.


Congrats on your 6 years, I’ve always read your posts and replies over the years and have gained a lot from your no bullshit approach to sobriety.
Well done and thanks for being you :+1:


What a wonderful share of your experience,strength, and hope. Congrats @Yoda-Stevie i love when you contribute to the forum. You have a way with words.

Keep fighting the good fight


Bro, I’m addicted to porn and I’ve been sober for a week after relapsing several times. Your testimony has inspired me. I will keep on fighting.


Huge Congratulations on 6 years! :partying_face: :tada:
Thank you for all the wisdom you’ve shared.


Congratulations Sensei, on your 6 years of getting better and better every year :wink:


That first one! That most important one! I do know all bets are off. I couldn’t read that enough in my early days. It’s still the most important thing today.

Thanks for all your wisdom and support.
I’m glad you’re here.


This was something I heard In a meeting early in sobriety. It’s been the most effective mindset for me. A wildly complex disease, simplified into one mantra. I have lived on the words “you can’t get drunk if you don’t have the first drink”.

I applaud you and your success. Reforging the bonds with your family and rediscovering yourself and your passion in the process.

Much love to you


Huge congratulations to six years of sobriety and all the things you achieved for yourself and your family in that time. You have such a wonderful way with words and put things down in such a respectful way. I really love to read all your shares.


Congratulations on 6 years sober! Thanks for being a part of this community for so long. Another old-timer here.


Six years of sobriety. It’s simple like you say. Just as long as we work it each and every day. Thanks for being here and sharing your road. Grateful to have learned a thing or two from you. Huge congrats. And on we go.


Congratulations on 6 years of getting better!

When I first joined TS, you were one of the few members that not only had a great deal of sober time, but also one that I looked up to. Over the years, I’ve taken your words to heart, not only the ones directed at me, but all of them; it’s gold. Thank you for doing what you do. I think that I’d like to be like you when I grow up. :blush:


Congratulations !! Thank you for all your suppprt and for sharing your wisdom here :heart: X


Hey congratulations on 6 years great going , yes since i read a few books and stuff ive tried not to over complicate sobriety i look at it as if i keep everything middle of the road no extreme highs or depressing lows and never pick up that first drink ill get a sober day behind me. Also whats a mountain top and how does one purchase it ? :blush:


Congratulations @Yoda-Stevie

Our lives are richer for having shared some moments of our time over the past 6 years.
Your personal steady sobriety stewardship has inspired and influenced many.
Steady as she goes.
Stay strong. Stay better.


Way to go on your 6 years. I always value your insight. Thank you for leading the way. Keep up the good fight!


Congratulations with your 6 years :confetti_ball:
Thank you for being here, you where a part of my recovery for sure.


Congrats on six years sober. Very inspiring!


Congratulations! Everything you said above inspired me and stuck with me. Thank you for sharing here. All of that helped me to always say no to the drink that matters :slight_smile:


Congratulations man, yours is a powerful testimony! :star_struck:


Congratulations on your 6 year soberversary :tada::partying_face: