Relapse, disappointed and hating myself

Hi, this is my first thread here. I drank daily, roughly 12 drinks per day for 3 years, which was me at my worst.

I quit cold turkey, i had withdrawals but i also checked myself into outpatient rehab and successfully completed that.

I just reached 45 days sober and drank yesterday. I dont even know what came upon me to make me do it.

Im starting at day 0 again. Any advice to stay sober?


Welcome! There’s so much advice here. Take a few hours to read through the threads that interest you. We’re all in the same boat more or less, so I think you’ll find the stories very relatable.
Good luck. Hope to see you around. :smiley:



Find yourself a program and work it daily.


Welcome! Well done for getting straight back to it. Stick around here with us. :pray:t2::heart:


Welcome James
This is a great sober community. Being active on here keeps me sober.
Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable.

Hope to see you around

Welcome to the team, @Jwall5352, I hope this forum will help you in your sobriety quest!

Take a look at the programs here and visit a meeting:

Resources for our recovery

Welcome to Talking Sober!

Don’t hate yourself. you made it to 45 days without drinking! That’s huge! Have you tried attending an AA meeting? They really help me, plus it keeps me from being bored at home. Boredom is my top reason for drinking.

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