Relapse Redesign

I have continued to relapse lately feelibg a little defeated but i will not give up i keep going to church calling friends and teying to journal often any one have any suggestions?


Why do you think you keep relapsing?

I’m sorry about that.
Had a few relapses myself. Try to learn from a relapse: what can you different next time to avoud one? Is there something you can add to your recovery?
Here is a thread with multiple good tips:

Glad you are here to work! :facepunch:

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Relapses start well before you lift a drink , sometimes we dont have any defence against the first drink unless we have a good defence in place maybe try seek out a program of recovery that suits you wish you well


Welcome, @Stella2 . As @Ray_M_C_Laren says, relapses have a beginning before you cave and use. So, you need tools to deal with those triggers and cravings. Take a good look at what your tools are and get more in place. Read quit lit. Practice self care. Have some activities you can enjoy to distract yourself. Come to TS for support. It has been a tremendous help to me. I was a constantly relapsing before I came here. Wishing you well!:peace_symbol::pray:

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