Relapsed after 4 months!

Relapsed after 4 months of being sober. Went back to my old ways and decided to party with friends. Realised it’s not worth it. Not gonna beat myself up too much but just need some words of support and encouragement from you guys who completely get what its like to go through this battle in your head.


My biggest fear is relapse! Keep your head up!


There’s something to learn from every relapse. That’s why it’s said that relapse is part of the journey. Learn from it and move forward with the new knowledge. Work a program and get some accountability from others. You can do this :heart:


I get it… i personally had a couple of major relapses that lasted years so the good news is you got back up quickly. If i quit so can you.

The last time i relapsed i thought “i can control this, I’ll only have a few beers” so i went to the store for a six pack, left the store with a case and continued daily drinking for roughly 2 years.

It’s a good thing to have a fearful respect of see above. A lot of people die when they relapse because they’ll use at the level they were using when they stopped… body can’t handle it, BOOM dead… scary shit.

ODAAT my friends, best wishes


Yuppers! In college we had to see an autopsy. The young dead guy on the table died from taking his"usual" dose of heroine after being clean. Sad sad sad.


Doesn’t have to be drugs either, booze can get you just the same. If i drank 27-30 beers right now I’d be in big trouble i bet. It’s so gross to think i use to do that… at least 16 beers every single day, 27 to 30 on days i didn’t have to work… wow. :face_vomiting:


Oh yes, if it was a lower percentage alcohol… yes easy. That’s why many start going for the harder stuff, like myself. It’s a losing battle no matter how one looks at it.


One of the best parts of being sober is remembering everything and not having to apologize to anyone, including ones self.


It is bad and guess what??? It only progresses and gets worse. There was a time when i only drank 3 or 4 beers a night but the switch flipped and i needed more and more. In the end i was drinking too not feel sick. You don’t want that but that is what every alcoholic will face if they keep drinking.

Amen to that… no lying to anyone anymore including myself



I see zero people on this thread saying relapse is part of recovery, I do however agree with this meme


That would be, I suspect, all of us. So many successful people on here!! Just keep reading then you will know it CAN be done.

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Relapse happens, but it doesnt have to. A better life awaits us, and it is a sober one. Relapse is a choice. We can take the momentary easy way out and pick up, or we can choose life…sobriety. we are all here to help anyone thru the hard times…if you choose to use us.


That’s why it’s said that relapse is part of the journey.? Ravikamor


I relapsed at 4 months but like you it didn’t take me long to realize there was nothing out there I wanted except misery and pain, accept, understand why and move on, congratulations on 4 months.


My bad… relapse is dangerous for sure, can be life threatening. You know that many people never make it back, you’ve been around a long time.


I am one month and 20 days sober. My biggest fear also is relapse. This is my first attempt at being sober. I feel so good and I don’t ever want to be that other person again. It’s scary.


Thank you @littlemisschatterbox I’ve been in a few social situations now and have been strong. I’ve made people aware so they know not to offer me a drink.

My partner is an angry alcoholic so that makes it difficult and he always wants me to join him drinking. Luckily we don’t live together.

I wish I could be the type who have have one or two drinks socially and stop at that. But unfortunately I’m not. And I drink ALOT then the only way to make me feel better the next day is ‘hair of the dog’. It’s a vicious cycle.

I’ve lost 9kg since I stopped drinking, I exercise and sleep better and feel great.


Because this is not a thread about that debate, my point in being is that there is something to learn from a relapse that can help Chris in the overall journey.

With all do respect Mr. Ray :heart:


Its hard to be sober to remember all the stress and regrets of life but being drunk and blacked out is worst.