Repairing the physical damage

Hi everyone, Ive been sobering up for the past month or so after 20 years of functional (and dysfunctional) alcohol abuse. I’ve followed the posts here at a distance and love that youre all helping one another beat this compulsion we are all struggling against.

In recent years Ive encountered the aching under my ribs of what I assume is an enflamed liver. Ive sworn off booze 100% and am now dedicating myself to turning my health around at 40 years old.

I am taking thiamine B1 to recover mental awareness and brain function and I am taking milkthistle and choline tablets for liver recovery. Ive cut all sugar and lowered carbs significantly and Im trying to eat green, leafy veg such as spinach, kale, broccoli and cabbage on a daily basis and at least 1 litre of water with apple cider vinegar in addition to my usual cups of tea.

I am relatively average in build and height - 5’10 and weigh 14 stone 7ibs.

Has anyone got any suggestions in terms of proven diet and supplements / good food that aids in the long term repair process?


B12 and vit D are essential and a lot of ppl are lacking in them (B12 not if you eat a lot of meat). And zinc is important for general health, immune system recovery, skin.

Also, get into exercising. The body will start reviving and regenerating the more you give it to do. So find out what you like and what suits you
and get moving! There’s an active community here also, look at
October fitness challenge
Good luck! Welcome to your new life! And Congrats on your sobriety! :star2:


Schedule an appointment with a dietician or nutritionist. Everyone is different and requires different things. Fad/crash diets are usually not healthy. Get some bloodwork done and see if you are deficient then work with your provider to come up with a plan that is specialized to your needs.

For example. I lost 50lbs while eating all the carbs I wanted, but that might not work for someone else. I get my bloodwork done every year and see my doctor twice a year for a general check-in.