Rehab, is something I haven’t tried. Might work in the short term. I think I’d use pretty quickly after leaving. Weed at least. I have nothing in this world sober or smashed.
I’ve found that I don’t have much in my life at all. I’ve drank and drugged my way from 14 to 34. Now I find myself with not even a drinking buddy, let alone any friends.
Kids mum has been tough on me. She’s obviously lost patience. Thinks I’m a dramatic broken record. Which is true.
I can’t keep a job down, my ADHD is pretty bad at the moment. Also have a lot of anxiety because of my living situation/homeless.
Thanks all for being there for me, been at least 2 years posting. I haven’t changed my habits at all, and my mental health is pretty bad.
Goes to show nothing doesn’t work, if you choose to do nothing, which is everything, besides remaining sober, no matter how you feel.
Drinking fucks me up. But the sensation I get from alcohol is incomparable to other drugs.
It’s like I just had ghb and acid. Makes me a sloppy, poor decision making, regretful and ashamed person.
I don’t have a plan, but my life is dragging on the ground, and there’s cracks everywhere taking me down further.
I had everything I wanted 4 years ago. Now I literally lost everything I own, cared about, love and cherish.
I have like 2 bags of clothes, some toiletries, and in living in a boarding house. Which is fine but they already want me out cause they found my bong in my room. So this is still a crisis situation for me still. The future is unknown.
Which makes me want to use. Knowing the future might very well be as shit as the past, it causes me to experience anxiety, I become vulnerable to using substances, and I do.
The unknown is not something I thrive in.
Thanks for everyones replies.