Reset for the 100000000th time

I have just reset.

I’m not happy with myself, and neither is anyone else.

I really hate my life. I need to fix it properly.

Alcohol, ice, weed day 1.

I noticed if I stop all 3 at once my depression gets really bad and I behave impulsively.

I can’t keep going around in circles.

My life has been tipped upside down since I last posted. Not even gonna bother explaining it.

Here we go again.


Welcome back Mick, we are here for you

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True to all of your statement Mick. Now what’s the plan? It’s good you’re here as a first step. Now for some follow up right. It’s good to see you friend.


It is what it is.

Be well


YOU ARE FAR FROM ALONE BRO. Just remember that when you get down in the dumps thinking your the only dude with a reset for the 1 millionth time. Been there many many times man. And yet, your here, I’m here, Let’s put together a REAL PLAN to understand why we are using poor coping strategies to get through life. How can we shift our dependency on things that only hurt us in the short/long term and develop positive self care to move forward.


Right here with you on day 2. Aiming for today.


Heyyy mr mr zombie

Keep comming back
Keep reading
Keep posting

Sobriety can change your life for the better. I know this


Your pattern seems to be relapse, come post for a little bit and then disappear. You gotta actually want sobriety every day, not just in the days you have relapse guilt. If you look at the members who check in here daily (like every single day) many of them have multiple years of sobriety. If you look at the ones who check in sporadically, they have sporadic sobriety. It’s not some big mystery as to why.

Other options are rehab, AA, IOP, therapy. Best bet is to do them all. At the same time.

Sobriety is not going to just magically come to you. You have to go out and get it


What are you going to do differently this time? I’m sure you don’t like that question but it’s the question you should be asking yourself. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get sober?

I’ll go a little further than @Englishd and say you absolutely should quit all 3 at the same time (maybe with medical supervision). Of course you’re gonna feel depressed, and be on edge, your brain hasn’t made its own feel good chemicals (dopamine, endorphins) in a long time. This is totally normal, and why so many of us turn hard into exercise.

Hydrate, take fish oils, hit up meetings or some form of recovery related activity everyday, be a life long student of recovery. This is just my advice, best wishes to you.


That really resonated with me.

The ones who check in sporadically, they have sporadic sobriety. Although to us, who might not be as ready as you were it is still a mystery to us or we would have solved it.

I hope we can fix that and make our sporadic sobriety more permanent.


I can only speak for myself…i come here every single day because i know i cant stay sober without a community of people who understand what its like to be an addict, i read others stories, i learn from those who have long term sobriety, i ask for help when i need it and i help others if i think i can. I tried loads of times to get sober on my own and found it impossible…this site is what made the difference. Part of my sobriety is allowing myself to be helped.


I can only agree 100%. Until i was not ready, to do anything, there was no chance of permanent sobriety. When i was ready, i fortunately found this site. Three more days to complete 5 years, but i still come here almost every day. I guess it it just to remind myself, not to loose my guards and always to say no to the first drink


You either work on a relaps or you work on your recovery. For me it means coming here, go to meetings do the steps and therapy. As soon as I drop or neglect some of those I start working on a relaps. Actually I noticed it this week, luckily such period doesn’t last a long time by now and I pick up were I left off. Mostly starts with calling my sponsor or a fellow and get my ass to a meeting. It is no miracle, you just have to work it🙏


Exactly… But differently.
What haven’t you tried yet?
What is it your not prepared to do?

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Matty boy!

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Welcome Back. Glad you found your way back here. What is your plan this time?

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Rehab, is something I haven’t tried. Might work in the short term. I think I’d use pretty quickly after leaving. Weed at least. I have nothing in this world sober or smashed.

I’ve found that I don’t have much in my life at all. I’ve drank and drugged my way from 14 to 34. Now I find myself with not even a drinking buddy, let alone any friends.

Kids mum has been tough on me. She’s obviously lost patience. Thinks I’m a dramatic broken record. Which is true.

I can’t keep a job down, my ADHD is pretty bad at the moment. Also have a lot of anxiety because of my living situation/homeless.

Thanks all for being there for me, been at least 2 years posting. I haven’t changed my habits at all, and my mental health is pretty bad.

Goes to show nothing doesn’t work, if you choose to do nothing, which is everything, besides remaining sober, no matter how you feel.

Drinking fucks me up. But the sensation I get from alcohol is incomparable to other drugs.

It’s like I just had ghb and acid. Makes me a sloppy, poor decision making, regretful and ashamed person.

I don’t have a plan, but my life is dragging on the ground, and there’s cracks everywhere taking me down further.

I had everything I wanted 4 years ago. Now I literally lost everything I own, cared about, love and cherish.

I have like 2 bags of clothes, some toiletries, and in living in a boarding house. Which is fine but they already want me out cause they found my bong in my room. So this is still a crisis situation for me still. The future is unknown.

Which makes me want to use. Knowing the future might very well be as shit as the past, it causes me to experience anxiety, I become vulnerable to using substances, and I do.

The unknown is not something I thrive in.

Thanks for everyones replies.


Get a sobriety tattoo probably a bad idea.

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I do not know what I’m going to do.

I can come here more often, it’s only a few clicks away at any moment.

I think it’s great we have a community, but I need face to face help too. I read peoples emotions and if they display or talk with a ‘look of relief’ or understanding, I absorb that relief and it’s sensational. Like talking to a drug and alcohol counsellor.

Being properly medicated would be wise but that costs $ to get the assessments.

Maybe I need to live in an area with less drugs? But there’s no length I won’t go to to get a hit of something if I needed to. Id drive 2-3 hours for 1 bong. Imagine what I’d do once ice finally ravages me properly.

Probably be found as a fossil in bed.


Hey…where are you at right now? I’m happy to find you face to face help that you could probably walk over to very soon. You don’t need a plan yet, you just need to actively take a step towards sobriety. Let’s find you a meeting. The only thing you will find there is people who know exactly where you are at.