Restarting recovery

This is the millionth time I’m restarting my recovery. I’m currently on 5 minutes but I give in to the alcohol temptation. I’m wasting so much money and putting my health at risk. Any tips on how to get through this will be greatly appreciated :blush:


Start praying :pray::blue_heart:
Ask God for help

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I can relate, I have had to start over so many times. I was always picking up new pieces of the puzzle with each new experience.
My problem is not drinking or drugs, my problem is myself. The using alcohol and drugs was my way to self medicate and to hide from facing my own neurosis head on. I felt alone and lost. It wasn’t until I branched out of my comfort zone and honestly looked at myself, got sober connections to hold me accountable and provide hope and support, and put in the honesty and effort, that true progress was made.


Its hard and you really have to fight your way trouhg it. The first days I Just stayed home doing nothing. Lying on the couch with Netflix, drinking lots of water and taking vitamins. I tried stay occupide. And read a lot, read about alcohol addiction and everything it does to your body and brain, I scared my self some with this. Everytime I get urge I think about how bad alcohol did me, all the pain ut gave me.

Hang on, keep fighting, dont give in. It is Worth it.


Try A meeting might help wish you well

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Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m restarting today too. I didn’t drink for about a month, which I’m proud of. But, last night, I gave in and got drunk. I’m restarting today, and I’m not sure if it helps, but I wanted to say I’m with you. Feel free to reach out if you need anything.


It’s good that you are trying again I lost 2years and 8months clean time from alcohol and cocaine and I relapsed I’m now on 8days aslong as you don’t give up and put the work in you will get there meetings the program this app listening to recovery podcasts praying meditation there’s a lot of tools out there you just need to find what works for you


Welcome. Getting sober is a big, meaningful undertaking, that is individual to each person. It is hard to turn it into tips. Two key elements for me were working on myself and connecting with others, which improved my life, so I didn’t feel like I wanted to escape via booze.

Good info below

Welcome to the forum! 2021 edition :slight_smile:


Welcome Suzie. Well done for choosing sobriety.
Here’s a list of tips I’ve put together with the help of other friends on this path. Take from it anything that helps. Above all, stay here…we will help you. You’re in our boat now…the same boat we’re all in. Hope this helps:

1 Read Alcohol Explained by William Porter (you can get audio version from audible)
2 Go to as many aa meetings as you can. Listen, share if you feel OK to, engage, get phone numbers
3 Get busy. Housework, exercise, new hobby, gardening, baking, YouTube rapping, movies…anything. Don’t leave yourself any free time.
4 Be honest with yourself. Why are you stopping, how do you feel…
5 Read Alcohol Explained 2
6 stick to your decision to quit and never doubt or question it. You got it right.
7 If you do ever wobble or get tempted, ask yourself one simple question… What will it add? Will it make a good situation better? Will it make a bad situation better. My years of frequent horrid experiences have shown for me, the answer is it adds nothing and makes nothing better.
8 Stay here, keep reaching out, use your peers’ support and experience
9 help others as soon as you feel you can, even in the very early days. I’m only 13 days and honestly it’s helping me to help you. I can reread my advice to you and then reapply it to my own situation
10 Pray. Doesn’t matter if your not religious or don’t know who or what you’re praying to - I don’t, I could be praying to myself. But I’ve found over the past fortnight that getting on my knees, asking (out loud) for strength, asking for a sober day and then giving thanks for that strength and sobriety has felt extremely empowering.
EDIT: 11-14 thank you to Facebook friends:

11 Look for the fun in the journey!
12 Every day pay attention to what is improving. Even the little things, like being able to remember someone’s name after being introduced.
13. Make self care a priority; find the things that you can do to make yourself feel pampered and that will destress you in a healthy way.
14. Learn to identify and change your negative self talk.

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Thanks. I occupied my wtime by doing some spring cleaning. I feel positive after this and I have a nice decluttered space to relax in now :blush:

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Thanks a lot will do :blush:

Hey, we can do it! I’ve reached 60 days before so I know I can keep going. I got through my day 1 by keeping myself busy and being productive and it felt good to know I haven’t wasted the day.

Hi I’m a newbie so I can’t really advise you much, but I recently joined a gym and also bought a huge tub of paint! So I’ve been painting doing some home decor to keep my mind busy… maybe it might help you too if you tried.

But good luck on your journey you can do this :relaxed:

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Thank you so much for the tips and advise. It’s made feel positive about not giving up on myself. Greatly appreciated.

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Absolutely don’t give up on yourself @Suzie!
Don’t take this as a ridiculous analogy…but man on the moon, discovering penicillin, covid vaccine, stonehenge, atom bomb, Salisbury cathedral… (lots more human achievements in Wikipedia!)… all amazing stuff…done by people! Yep, that clever species that includes…YOU! Alcohol is a liquid and a chemical…thats it, that’s all it is. Yes, of course you can take back the power you gave to it! Don’t underestimate your massive power. Use it! Tell the drink you’re done. Tell it to f**k off! Take back control. Get the life YOU want.
To add to that, extreme example but you get the idea…
If you were in hospital with cancer, Dr says “yes, we can give you the drugs but we need you to fight…to use your will, spirit, energy…”…you would draw on every bit of your strength, every bit of your amazing human potential…you’d fight for your life…and would win! Do that. Do that with your fight against alcohol.

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Hi there! I joined this community back in 2018. It helped me tremendously. I have been on and off here on my journey. Currently on the sober train for now.

Longest I have ever gone is 6 months. It helps me to think of just today and not forever. If I can plan to not drink today, then I will feel even better about myself tomorrow. If I think about never drinking again, then that seems like too much. So the one day at a time cliche is real.

I can moderate and “drink normally” for a while, but then it eventually goes back to daily drinking. Then eventually I do something dramatically stupid and embarass myself. So I start over.

Anyway, I am in this boat with you. Lots of good people here. Keep coming back.

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I’m the same, I’m currently on week 1 of my most recent attempt. Temptation will always come so I’ve just accepted that fact but this time I’ve planned to keep myself busy for when it does come. Keeping myself busy has helped me to take my mind of alcohol. The feeling I feel when I beat the temptation, I feel proud.


This! I think I’m finally starting to get it. ODAAT really makes things easier :raised_hands:

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