Rockstars fucked up heart/head

I don’t want to blow up the daily check in thread so I’m making this one. I am really in need of good positive vibes right now as I’m feeling really fucking broken. Thank you so much :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Don’t worry if your broken, we will fix it :grin::wink:. chin up mate.

Do you want to share what’s going through your mind? A brain dump usually helps me and then you can get some feedback.


Rockstars are still rockstars when the lights go down.

Hang in there fella


I’m sorry you are suffering. Glad you came here!

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Hang in there Rob.


Hang in there friend. You’re not alone.


Keep your head up, Rob. :heart:
You are an amazing!!


Thank you all very much. I took some meds to calm myself down and ended up sleeping through the day. I really appreciate that you all don’t judge me. This is the only place I have that I feel like I can put out anything I’m going through. Thank you @Dolse71, @Clarity, @CaptAZ, @littlemisschatterbox, @Mno, @CapriciousCapricorn, @Lisa07, @Mbwoman and @RosaCanDo it really helps.


Sleeping is a great way to beat stress! Self care. And if meds help…great! We have to do what we have to do to slay the beast(s). :peace_symbol::pray:


Thank you @Mbwoman that’s how I feel as well, whatever it takes. I wanted to also share that I have never felt so far away from God as I have since I’ve gotten sober 8 months ago. I’ve screamed for him to help me so many times but have heard nothing at all. It’s really getting tiring as I watch all of the ways that God is helping all of the other men in our program and I don’t get any help at all. Yes I’m sober but that comes from me not wanting to make my life worse. No matter what I research there is no comfort to be felt at all. Witchcraft came closest as thats just a physical representation of the concept found in the law of attraction philosophy, a way to actually physically do something that align with your thoughts. As far as manifesting anything, my mind races so much that it’s no wonder that I manifest chaos. I can’t control my thoughts due to my mental health challenges. The torment of this ongoing problem with getting over her for so many months has led me to even researching satanism, which doesn’t jive with me either. The point I’m trying to make is that I have yet to feel any help at all even after years of asking God to help me and I believe that it definitely adds to my feelings of hopelessness. Again I’m just venting what’s on my mind and trying to get better.


Thank you that’s awesome

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I have often wondered what “God answering” looks like. There are people on TS who have been in that position. I like reading what they say. And I do believe if you keep asking, you WILL get that answer. I know it hurts, but from what I have read…removing a toxic person from your life is pretty much a given. You are moving in the right direction. Small steps…like all of us…but progress for you.


Thank you @Mbwoman, you gave me an idea. I’m going to search some threads to see if anything pops up. Thank you so much


Hi @Rockstar24777, I pray for you and send you good vibes. Breathe in - Breathe out … time heals, emotions calm & shift, this hard time too shall pass. Hope you get restful sleep, it helps tremendously to handle daily life & emotions. All the best :pray:

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Thank you very much @erntedank I’ve been doing a lot of guided meditations, like a lot lol and it’s helping tremendously!


Hi @littlemisschatterbox thank you for asking. I seem to be doing sooooo much better than the other day for sure. I’ve been doing a lot of guides cord cutting meditations as well and it’s easing up quite a bit. I felt dumb for being so emotional but said f it the other day and just let it all out not caring what my roommate thought lol. I know I can’t keep that bottled inside so I did my best to just feel it and release as much as I could. I know I’m not out of the woods yet but I really feel I’m making progress. Tt


I have found that in my addiction I don’t feel. Or just feel the bad stuff like anger, envy, jealousy… As for the positive emotions, I don’t even know if I recognize love. I think about this and hope I will figure it out over time. Sounds like you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Feel those feelings!!


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