Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

So last week on Tuesday I runned 12 km after work and then on Thursday I had an leg workout at gym. Somewhere in between or after that leg workout I noticed some problems with my feet joints. Later it got worse. Have a little difficulty to walk lately, but I think it is getting better. Skipped leg workout yesterday, instead did an upper body. Had little easy 2k today.


Is seeing the doctor possible? I would be concerned if I was having trouble walking :grimacing:

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Nah it’s nothing serious. It’s my bad english. I googled the word. I need to say: to limp. All good :+1:


Last weekends half marathon :man_running:


October’s Half Marathon… Done!

It says PR, but I’m not so sure. If it isn’t, it’s within a few seconds. This trail was great, I was not expecting this. Signed up for Madison, WI next month. Then it’s time to head south for some races!


I have my Halloween 15k next Saturday. Got my costume picked out and feeling ready :ghost::jack_o_lantern::running_woman:t2:

Very nice running!! @TheWolf @Gorden :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Excellent! Yeah, we were supposed to have a Halloween race up here, but it was cancelled. I love those!

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I think it will be a small event cause it’s the first one here in my town but I don’t have to travel so that’s nice :joy: I looked at the route and part of it is on my trail I already run. Makes me feel comfortable knowing a good portion of the route

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5k sunday :confetti_ball::running_woman:t2::heart: I’m starting to understand why people run a mile before trying to get a Pr. It takes me 1 or so to feel warmed up. Only goal today was to get it done


My feet still not recovered. I assuming the tendons got overtrained and then my weak joint got inflamed. It’s getting better.
Weather getting colder. Wind is strong. We got a storm this night. Lot’s of fallen trees all around.


Y’all see this? World record made at the Chicago Marathon. He finished in 2 hours and 35 seconds :exploding_head:


It’s just mind blowing to me how they can keep that pace up for 2 hours. I’m relatively sure I couldn’t do ONE lap on a standard track at that pace anymore. 200M? 100M!?! Actually, that gives me an idea for my next test of myself.:slightly_smiling_face:

I saw something one time where they had a treadmill (a bouncy, “safe” one) set at world record marathon pace. People could try it out. Most were falling down after a few steps.


My fastest mile I’ve gotten is 9:50. I can’t imagine doing a mile in half that time and then doing it 25 more times. That endurance is just mind blowing to me


Perfect weather, good mood, nice views, interesting podcast…
Very satisfying run :relieved:


That was good stuff. Nice negatives, then a little walk break in mile 5. Feeling ready for my 15k this weekend

Edit- :sob::sob: My Halloween race just got canceled :disappointed: I am not having good luck with races this year

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7 years ago I was getting ready for my very first 5k. I was still a heavy cigarette smoker but my friend talked me into it. It’s nice to be reminded where I started to give me appreciation for where I am now


Ahh, good ol’ Planet Fitness. I have had two memberships there over the years. I bounce around a lot. I was at a very nice, local one for about a decade. Now I am at Crunch Fitness (Planet Fitness’ long lost cousin :laughing:). I mostly go for the treadmills and the group fitness classes. Serves the purpose so far.

Thanks for the reminder on the PF treadmills. I spilled a lot of sweat on those!

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Question for those of you that use Strava:

Is there a way for it to tell you your overall pace when it announces the updates? Mine just tells me my overall time, the last mile (or the split mile pace if I am halfway through a mile). I used to use MapMyRun and it would give me my overall pace everything it gave me an update. I can usually do the math in my head just fine on Strave, but, when I really need to know it is toward the end of a race. Unfortunately, I am usually in the delirious phase at that point and am just trying to not pass out!

I can’t seem to find it in the settings. I am not a paying member though, so maybe it’s not available to me?

Are you just using strava? I use my watch and look at it during my run. I use to record straight from strava and I don’t remember it announcing the pace

Just Strava. I have the app running in “Record” when I run. It records the run and I have it set to yell out stats at me every mile. It’s nice, i don’t have to look at anything. It chimes in over my podcast or music. I also have my interval timer blaring out alarms periodically telling me to run or walk. Yeah, there’s a lot going on in my earbuds😆.

A special bonus is when all three apps are playing at once!