Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

Despite appearances, I did not run on the water! I did run in the water some - the Gulf of Maine in October is officially chilly!


Have you seen the documentary on Lazarus’ other race?

Im not sure where to stream, I saw it on the treadmill movie service at the gym. I enjoyed it. Plus, you get to see Lazarus :smile:.

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I’ll have to watch it. I bet I can find it on youtube. I listened to a podcast about it on spotify.

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Not quite a sub 30 minute 5km today but my best run in months. With strength exercises and a change in my vitamin supplements the hip is feeling a lot better. Getting there. Happy Saturday guys…


Signed up for a 5k today! I am in week 6 of c25k and it is in January (but I struggle to put together longer times in those final three weeks), so hopefulky will be ok.


Thumbs up! I’m a runner, doing 10Ks to 15Ks, also trails as I love ascents and gaining metres :heart_eyes: Signed up for my first half marathon next year and started to get sober today


You will do great! You don’t have to run the whole thing. Sometimes I still take walk breaks on my 5k and there are a lot of people that do the Jeff Galloway method. Which is a mix of walking/running.

@Bunto welcome!! Congrats on day 1 of being sober. Running without a hangover is so much better :blush:


Literally the only goal was to survive :joy: This was a huge mental battle. I wanted to quit so many times but I’m just stubborn. Week 20 of 5k sunday :white_check_mark:


October - 61,7km (around 38miles)
Weather is not making it easier :wink:


My first 10k :muscle:t2::grin:


We have official entered short run season :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:
30F for this one


I had to Google how much it is in Celcius. Daaaamn, I don’t know if I ever ran in such a cold :flushed:
Here temperatures are still pretty high (around 52F), only wind and shitload of rain are annoying.

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I love running in the temps you have. I am not a fan of winter running but I break out the fleece and gloves and sometimes a ski mask :joy:

Did 2 miles then started the endurance workout. Not sure why it doesn’t break it down like the others did. It was a 5 minute warmup then 10 minute running, 3 minute recovery x4 then a 5 minute cooldown. My body felt decent pretty much the whole time :confetti_ball:


This is yesterday’s run. Been running for 4-5 years now. I do go through lapses of motivation, but always end up pushing on through. Running has definitely been the biggest medicine during my sobriety journey.


Well done :clap:

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So I completed my 37th marathon last weekend. Unfortunately I used it as an excuse to break my sober time. I’m now back on day 2 feeling pretty miserable. What benifits I could have taken from the weekend are new mixed with regret and self loathing. I’ll dust myself off and go again.
I’ll look back on the marathon with a more positive frame in time but right now it’s about surviving these few days and try build some sober days.

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5K sunday!! One of my best runs, only 5 seconds off for a PR but this run FELT amazing! and the negative spilts are like a cherry on top :confetti_ball::running_woman:t2::confetti_ball:


Hitting goals! It was a huge mental struggle to do this run. I don’t know why but I just wasn’t feeling it, did intervals and it made it go by faster :joy: