Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

I sometimes run to the bathroom … y’know, if it’s an emergency. Wait…that’s not what you are talkin’ about…:crazy_face:

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Did the tempo run again (I really like this one) then did my own thing for a little bit then some intervals towards the end. I wanted to cut it short because of the cold weather but I didn’t. :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: Planned my route in my head and ran/walked the whole thing.


Ran a solid 20 minutes today! Smartwatch tells me it was 2.8km. Little under 2 months to my 5k run.


That’s great!!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I have been using free guided runs lately and they are so very helpful. I found them on the runkeeper app. I posted pictures of some of them up above. I am a run/ walker and my mind gets the best of me sometimes. I’ll walk when I don’t really “need” too. On friday I ran for a solid 40 minutes. They are really helping me get past my mental block and it’s nice to have someone telling you that to can do it lol

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5k sunday was a struggle this week. I didn’t want to lol like at all. It’s gross outside but I did it slow and took walk breaks and kept my streak alive. Week 22


About 25° F, and an inch of snow are about the best running conditions there are are for me!

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I haven’t ran in snow yet. I’m not sure I want to :joy: Guess we will see what happens with my 5k sundays. I’m pretty stubborn lol

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I wear Gore-Tex shoes with microspikes (Ice Bugs) for snowy conditions. The snow makes the surface soft, the spikes give you grip and keep you upright. Times are slower for the same effort, so it’s a good way to build power and endurance that becomes speed in the Spring.

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What brand of running shoes are everybody’s favorites. I’m on my second pair of Saucony’s, but this pair are starting to hurt my feet. I was thinking about switching over to the Adidas runfalcons

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My personal favorite are asics. I’ve been using them for years. Everyone is different though. There are tons of people that love brooks but I can’t wear them. I tried them and they hurts my shins and knees so bad and as soon as I switched back to my asics I was good to go.

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Interval workout today. This was a hard one. 3 minute hard pushes with 5 minute easy jog and repeat. I ended up having to walk for a minute during the 5 minute jog part. Hopefully next time I do this run I will be able to do the whole thing as intended but I’m content with the run today


Ran 25 minutes without stopping to walk! Watch says it was 3.5 km. That 5k in January is looking very possible!


Got my Sunday 5K done this morning before work. It was the perfect temperature. Right at 50F. It’s suppose to go cold again this coming week :scream::sob:


I love running, and am looking forward to running sober (instead of hungover or anticipating to drink). I’m curious about the book recommendation - as I feel like it will resonate with my experience


Shit how I miss running…
I had x-ray foto Thursday and it confirmed I have herniated disc in the neck so I really should take it easy… Next week I want to go to physiotherapist ask if I can run a bit, workout a bit or still not. It’s fucking me up cause when I don’t workout I also eat crap, I don’t care. I start giving up on my intermittent fasting as well. I catched myself on thinking “maybe I’m not alcoholic, maybe I could moderate…”. Glad I know it’s bullshit and no, I can’t moderate.
I started riding a bike more but weather is awful and it’s not a best option.
I miss running :slightly_frowning_face:


I remember my shoulder surgery a few years ago and I was so depressed and missed running and working out so much. Walking doesn’t give me the same endorphins as the hard effort of the running. I’m sorry about your neck. A herniated disc sounds terribly painful :sob:

You are not alone on this either. I have had those thoughts when I have to take a break from working out. I think the lack of endorphins plays heavy on the thinking.
I hope you feel better soon :heart:


Exactly! Walking is not the same, doesn’t give me that kick, those endorphins…

Luckily not anymore. Last days it hurts just a bit, sometimes not at all. That’s why I have this thoughts that maybe I could run a bit here and there :slight_smile: But from the other hand today I carry my kiddo few meters in my arms (fall asleep in the car) and now I already feel the consequences :smiling_face_with_tear:
Gonna make appointment with physiotherapist and ask some questions.
Thank you for good words @Runningfree and I’m very happy somebody understand me :slight_smile: I hope to be back on track soon :yellow_heart:

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I wasn’t feeling it this morning so I went out for a short one and ended up doing almost 5 miles :woman_shrugging:t2: I took some walk breaks. It was a decent run minus the damn wind. We are having 20 mile per hour winds today.


Those negative spilts :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I didn’t look at my watch this morning, just ran how I felt


Wait a sec… isn’t that getting close to PR territory??:thinking: Either way… nice run!

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