Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

I’ll run in loads of weather but you wouldn’t catch me out in ice :joy: I’d end up breaking something


Damn girl in my neighbourhood you would get ticket for running over the speed limit :wink:


Day 2, Part 2: 3.68 miles. These were good, hard miles on the treadmill ar the gym.

Day 2 Total: 7.18 miles.

Grand Total: 14.43 miles.

Remaining: 35.57 miles. Need to average 7.11 the next 5 days.

OK, I can do this. I don’t think I’ve ever ran this mamy in a week. Not sure I’ve even done 45, so this is a tough challenge for me. Hopefully my body holds up.

Today was much better for my frame of mind.


This morning’s run and I signed up for half marathon in march :running_woman:t2::confetti_ball: I’ll travel there a few days before and do some sight seeing



Super cool! I have half marathon 3rd March, next day after you! It’s gonna be my first half marathon


Sweet! I’m doing one in the Mesa are two weeks before you, we’ll have to exchange reviews.

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Day 3 today and I coached around my friend for her 5th half marathon of the year. I used to do these for fun but it was such a slog today! Im coming of the back of a hamstring strain and now have runners knee. Im going to use this as a positive and create some medium and long term goals on getting back where I was. Keep going people :muscle:


For sure!! Mine is next to a lake so I’m thinking it will be enjoyable weather wise and apparently it crosses a famous bridge so nice history aspect lol

Sounds like we have a good weekend for a half @Mischa84 :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: If everything goes as planned it will be my third for the year since I’m doing 1 a month.


Day 3: 5.12 miles. Icy and snowy again. Slow but steady. Logging miles!

Total: 19.55 miles.

Remaining: 30.46 miles. Average 7.61 per day.


I wasn’t planning to run tomorrow but when I seen my 2023 summary I decided I will, wanna make it to 350km :slight_smile:

Exactly today I hit half year sober milestone. Around the same time I started to run. First it was 2.5km, gradually making it longer. Now I run about 7km usually, sometimes more. My first official half marathon I signed in will be in March, 3 days after my 40th birthday. I wish I could run half every month like Jen @Runningfree is planning but I don’t know if I can make it. I want to give it a try in January. Will see.
Definitely running is playing huge role in my sobriety and well-being in general. I wish to all of us no injuries in 2024, zero forced breaks from running. Let’s go!


Now when I read my post I see I wasn’t correct. It won’t be my 40th bday but 10th birthday. I’m gonna be 40years old but it will be my real bday nr 10. Yup, 29th of February :slight_smile:


Haha, awesome! I’ve often wondered what February 29th people do for B-Day’s.


I second this wish!!! So, what do you do the other years for your birthday? Do you celebrate Feb 28th or March 1st?


I celebrate Feb 28th. As a kid I always heard from my parents that this year I don’t have bday so no gifts for me but it was always just a joke. But ofcourse as a kid every time I believed them and was upset :sweat_smile: When I was teenager they kept using this traditional super funny joke but i was like yeah yeah, whatever, just give me the money…

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Running a half marathon per month did me the world of good and I would recommend it to anyone. You would just need to build up to that distance first :). I have my first race (a half marathon in Sherwood forest) in March too. Its good to have goals. Good luck with yours :blush:


Day 4: 3.66 miles.

Total: 23.21 miles.

Remain: 26.79 miles.


I’ve been following this thread. Im currently not running as of 6months ago i developed plantar fasciitis and its taking forever to heal.
I started back with a couch to 5km program but got impatient and reinjured myself.
Man Im so jealous hearing of all you guys running goals and accomplishments. Don’t take your running for granted
Keep it up and hopefully one day I’ll have something worth posting to here haha


@SoarOnward run in Sherwood forest sounds awesome! I love forest running, unfortunately here in Netherlands we don’t have much of them. It would be very difficult for me now to run somewhere else, because of super flat routes here I’m used to :slight_smile:
About the distance - few weeks ago I ran 17,5km and it was very pleasant run. 2 days later 11.5km and man, that was hell. I guess I should recover a bit after that 17 :sweat_smile: But I think half is doable for me.
@MrFantastik oh man, feel so sorry for you. I can only imagine. I was out of my run routine for few weeks cause had pinched nerve in my neck. Everything went down, I started to eat a lot of junk, I was having terrible mood, I almost started drinking again. But totally get you on the inpatient side, I’m the same :sweat_smile: Hope to see you posting here soon!


Did nice last slow run in 2023 today with my running club.

With my friend Iwona

And Tony who I paced for last few miles of his marathon (he’s got a PB 3:39:08 :partying_face: )