Running in Recovery in 2024

That’s good to know. It’s says it’s waterproof and has a swim setting to record but electronics mixing with water just doesn’t make sense in my brain lol

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Well, geez, you have quite a plan of attack! I did not and learned everything the hard way!

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Jen, during my two bouts of PF I had Dr foot insoles in every single pair of shoes… High arch support. Swimming and cycling are superb suggestions. Good luck, thinking of you.


I’ve got a great work out routine going & planned on running this week. I’ve always wanted to do a 5k & there’s a good one on mother’s day. But, my heel & now the arch of my foot are preventing that. Frustrating! I know it will get better with stretching, ice, massages, etc but :weary:
Thanks for letting me vent!


C25k week 2 run 3 done this morning before work. Tight hip flexors and a but of a niggle in the knee… pretty standard for when im running. Plantar fasciitis is feeling ok though so thats the main thing





Ran a nice six miles today at a 10:15 mile pace; the sky is blue, the wind was brisk, and there were many cyclists out to avoid! Haha

Hope everyone is well!


I NEEDED some running endorphins today. I went out for just a mile to see how my foot was and I ended up going around the block :face_with_hand_over_mouth: My foot is a bit sore now but it was fine during


“Just happened to run a 5k….” - LOL well played :slight_smile:


Nicely done though - clearly the stretching and effort are working on your tootsies!!!

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Yes, it has been good but I was starting to go into a depression spiral. There was minimum discomfort during the run but now after I walked the doggos and went grocery shopping I have some pain. I’ll do the iced water bottle on it and make such to stretch it out this afternoon.


How did swimming work out for you??

I punked out. I was suppose to go friday but I ended up sleeping in which threw my entire morning routine off so I didn’t. Then I was sick over the weekend. I took tomorrow off for a mental health day so I’ll go up and check it out. I’m a decent swimmer and I like swimming but I’m not big on people and the recreation center is full of those :joy:

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:rofl: 100%!!!

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I made an appointment for a “sports” massage on monday. The guy I talked to said it’s different than a regular one because they focus on the trouble area and the attaching joints. I had multiple people recommend that in my runner groups on FB.


Week3 run1 c25k. PF in foot is going good. Having tightness in my hip flexor and back. Probably not running related. I think I need to implement a daily stretching routine.


I disliked people when I drank…and even less so now that I’m sober…

Hope you are on the mend soon


I think I read that wrong; I have no patience for idiots and mean people now more than ever! That probably comes with my age too, :smirk:


You read my comment correctly…I dislike people

Last weekend pedestrian kicked my car at an intersection…

  • I got out of my car to see wtf was up with buddy?

  • buddy pedestrian kicks me once (lol) and tried for a second time…he only stopped because I was holding his foot up in the air and wouldn’t let it go(lol)…buddy pedestrian is now hopping…and thats when, all of a sudden his cat jumped off his shoulder…lol

I dislike idiots, meanies and just added to the list “Cat People”…so pretty much everyone…most people just disappoint…


I don’t know what’s in the water where you live, but the cat pirate clearly got what he deserves

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