Running in Recovery in 2024

Solid work this morning! It started as a I don’t wanna run but I went out for just around the block to see how I felt. My legs felt strong and my body good so I put on the guided run and just did the thing.


I am a sad sad person today :sob: I have been having a problem area on the bottom of my foot for about 2 weeks now and I chalked it up to my swelling condition. Yesterday after my run I was having issues walking and under my arch is very tender so I googled. It says I could have plantar fasciitis. The symptoms match. I happen to have a checkup with my GP monday so I plan to ask for a referral to the PT place here. I asked on a runners group I’m in for other people’s experiences with this and I’m being told it took them MONTHS to overcome. If I can’t run for months I don’t know what I’ll do. Not to mention I had a whole running vacation planned at the end of next month. I’ll have to cancel the whole thing. Maybe the race will let me defer my registration to next year. I know I haven’t been diagnosed yet but I’m almost positive it’s what I’m experiencing. Today I’m limping just walking around the house. I am such a goal oriented person and I’m am going to be absolutely crushed if all of my running goals are out of the window before the first month of this year is over.


I’ve had PF twice. It’s very painful and did take months to heal, sorry :disappointed:

I hope yours is nothing as annoying and far more simple.


I’m hoping I caught it early enough to maybe only need a few weeks to recover but I doubt my body will be ready for the half I registered for :disappointed::pensive: I’m know more monday if I can get in to the PT that day. :crossed_fingers:


One of the best exercises is doing the alphabet with your foot several times a day. And arch rolls on a frozen bottle of water.

Rest rest rest
It will not go away by accident :face_with_peeking_eye:


Oh no… I hope it’s not what you think. It sucks BIG TIME. I know how important is running for you, let’s hope it’s something more simple.


I love a good ol’ foot alphabet!! My kids think I’m nuts when I make them do it with me - but it’s so helpful for so many things!!


I’m going to keep fingers and toes crossed for you; good luck for your appointment on Monday!


Oh no so sorry for you. Its been a struggle for me for 6months.
Seeing a podiatrist who gave me some orthotics soles for my shoes helped alleviate the daily pain and I also wear them running now.
Acupuncture to loosen up my calf and Achilles also helped.
Stretching my calf when I feel my foot getting worse helps.
Such a frustrating injury to get. Hopefully youve caught it early and can make a quick recovery


If you’re walking barefoot it could make it worse. Try wearing some slides or something with a bit of arch support

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I have walked around barefoot pretty much my whole life. I wear shoes when leaving the house but other than that I prefer to not wear shoes lol You aren’t the first person to mention slides so I’ll look into getting a pair. Thanks :blush:


The foot fairy told me I should stop wearing old running shoes as street shoes. I’d been doing that for years! I have dress shoes, work/hiking boots and about 10 pair of retired runners. I went and bought new street sneakers for every day. When the foot fairy speaks, I listen.


Those feelings of sadness, anger and frustration are familiar to me. I told you about the 6 months I spent on crutches and in a boot. I was elated when I ran a mile without pain on a treadmill after that.

But I didn’t fully learn the lesson. For about four years after that, I was still coaching myself in running and triathlons. When I finally did hire a coach for one season, with defined A, B, and C races, my fitness and performance soared. When I follow the programs I’m given by PT, I heal more quickly.

Recovery from injury and injury prevention is as much mental as running is.

I hope you get good news from your GP and that your recovery heals you inside and out. I can apply the principles of recovery from alcoholism to running and recovery from injury, and when I do it’s easier in my mind.

Final thoughts on my being in charge of anything :

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley - Robert Burns, To a Mouse

Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht. (Man plans and God laughs), Yiddish proverb, Anon.


It took everything I had to not do my 5k this morning. I only had 2 miles left to hit my monthly goal. I am feeling so very down but I know deep down it’s for the best that I did not go run this morning. I read an article that said this is one pain that a person shouldn’t run through. I will change this coming week to do more weights but no endorphins for me today :disappointed:
I’m hoping to get into the PT lady tomorrow, though I feel like she will just tell me what I don’t want to hear. I have thought about getting a running coach but it would be online cause I haven’t seen anything like that around here


Hi! I’m new to this app & this chat.
I had plantar issues years ago & it was painful. Now that I’m sober & working out again the pain is back except on my heel. :weary:
I found stretching lower back, hamstrings, calves really helps alleviate the pain. I also keep shoes on areound the house…boo! Really cushy ones…like an old pair of running shoes with laces out so you can wear them like slippers or a nice cushy pair of slides. A lacrosse ball arch massage hurts but helps loosen as well
If I’m not doing those things, the pain is horrible. I hope to run a 5k on mother’s day & need to get this worked out! I feel your pain! :smirk:


Thank you :blush: I try to be good about stretching but apparently I could be better.
Welcome to the community!! Glad to have you here!


Hows the foot @Runningfree ?


It’s not hurting as bad when I’m not active. I’ve been doing stretches and massaging it. It was hurting pretty bad when I took the dogs walking yesterday :disappointed: I got an appt with PT but it isn’t until Feb 15. Today is normally a run day but I’m going to do some stationary bike stuff and a mobility workout instead.
Thanks for asking :blush:


Your dogs were barking?

Heh heh….couldn’t help myself…

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Today did 2 workouts. By schedule this was upper body gym workout, but since I buyed new running watch, wanted to test it. So Upper body gym workout + 5k
Forerunner55 really nice device for runners. Simple and very accurate. I used POLAR watch with HR Sensor chest strap for like 10-12 years and it still works! It’s just its very old and wrist strap is totally broken because of wear and tear. Today i checked them both in action. Polar with strap and Garmin wrist sensor = the results were almost the same with ± few bpm difference.

I do not work neither for Polar nor Garmin, but those area really nice devices for runners and other sports.