Running in Recovery in 2024

That’s just the right advice. No running until my blisters have all gone!! Ouch!! :joy:

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It is still an amazing achievement! :muscle:t2::+1:t2:

The terrain looks challenging and interesting at the same time. I would gladly take part if I had the endurance.



I had a nice run yesterday morning. My legs are a little bit sore because of the inclines. But it is worth it.


Congratulations! Nicely done!:running_woman:t3:

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Good effort! Top Gun medal too!

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Mile 1- I don’t really want to do this,
so not in the mood
Mile 2- well now I gotta at least get home
Mile 3- this isn’t too bad anymore
Mile 4- snackie and water break, I can keep going
Mile 5- feeling strong
Mile 6- I’m over this :joy:

This was a roller coaster. I think I’m going to take this coming week off running. My legs are tired and sore. My calves, hamstrings, quads. They all had shit to say during this run


It always takes a while to get into a run, doesn’t it? :+1::+1:

It’s good that you can let yourself have a break.


Normally I’m roaring to go for a run. I know I gotta get through the struggle runs though. They are good for the mental mindset.

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I hear you. You’ll find your balance. I like to mix it up with step aerobics and sometimes just dancing around!! It all helps :+1::+1::+1::+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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My first run after injury. All fine, no pain at all and I hope it will stay this way. I am so so so happy :slight_smile:

Took it very easy so I’m very surprised about the tempo.
I missed running so much :blue_heart:


What a feeling to come back strong from injury!

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Starting a half marathon plan :confetti_ball: I still have a few runs left on the 10k plan I started but I’ll just run them both over the next week. Like start each plan for the same run. I feel good with the 10k distance but I don’t want to not finish the plan if that makes sense. Today was a benchmark run for garmin. Only 9 minutes long lol


Is this in preparation for the trail run? That is a half, right?

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Naw. the trail run is just 9.5 miles. This is just to get back to where I was pre plantar fasciitis. I’m trying to be smart and play it safe. I have that half in december but I’m trying to decide if I’m gonna go. It’s a hell of a drive and expensive if I fly and rent a car.


Did some trail running this morning and used your new shoes, @Runningfree Jennifer.:wink: They are really good for rough terrain.:+1:t2:


Mine will be delivered today :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: I’ll probably give them a go on thursday (my next running day)


I am looking forward to reading your report.:wink:

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Prediction: You do the Half in December. :laughing: