Running in Recovery in 2024

I’ve been out injured from running for a few weeks with an achilies injury. Perhaps that contributed to my recent relapse. But I got back on the treadmill today :muscle:


First run in the brooks shoes. I dig them. Much better than the last pair I tried out. Second run on the garmin plan. It vibrates if I’m running too fast but it confused me because I was running within its time and it kept saying I was going too fast.


Back in the days I was sober for 5 years and I ran a lot of ultra distances. Now I’m getting slowly back to daily running. Those sober running years were best in my life so far and now that I’m on a sobriety path again, I wanna relive those running years.

I have a GPS watch, but I don’t like to use it nowadays. I wanna run free without all the data in my wrist, so I just run by feeling and using a regular watch. All the data causes me right now unwanted stress, so now I just wanna run without knowing my pace or distance.


I am glad to read that you like them!:ok_hand:t3:


They are stiff and almost seem too small. Should I have ordered up a size? Or is that just how trail shoes are? But overall I do like them. And with 4 miles I feel like it was a decent test run


I think trail shoes are generally stiffer. I like when shoes feel just a hair small, because they usually stretch out a bit.

Of course I may just be saying all this to keep you in the Brooks Cult! :laughing:

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Yes, they are stiff, but it is OK for me. It could be that they are that stiff because of the Gore-Tex and the protective sole.:man_shrugging:t3:

I think that I once read that you should always buy running shoes in a larger size?:thinking: Mine are definitely a little bit larger than usual.

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I think you are suppose to buy them a little bigger for expected swelling. I’ve always bought my same shoe size though and never had a problem. Good to know they are generally stiffer. That explains what I was feeling

@Gorden I will not be in the brooks cult but I might admit this 1 pair are ok :joy:


That’s pretty quick for a first run back! :+1::+1::+1:

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I think it’s good you are aware what works for you and don’t put yourself under undue pressure.

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Run from yesterday. Everything was great except the wind, it felt like no matter which direction i was running, it always blew in my face.

@Brian1965uk Right? I never check my phone while running, I thought I was running 6:30-7:00/km. Was quite surprised at the end.

Good to be back :slight_smile:


Thank you! Yeah, I want to reduce stress as much possible. I’m not saying I won’t use my GPS watch again, but right now I’m happy to run like Caballo Blanco from the classic book Born To Run.


I think that’s a really healthy attitude. I’m a bit caught up in the stats on my Garmin, so I admire your ability to just go with the flow.

But I won’t be running for another week! Three nails have come off in the last 6 days and the broken blisters are stinging. Ouch!! :grimacing::grimacing::persevere:


That sounds horrible! @Brian1965uk

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How can i run 8-10min on the treadmill straight but struggle in the wild world?

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I never use a treadmill because I hate them but my guess is that the treadmill is set and indoors. Outside you have to factor in air quality, heat or cold and hills. It’s harder to regulate pace by yourself, with the treadmill you have to maintain the pace or you fall off lol


Yeah it’s not great. Long distance always messes up my toes but add in hills and they take a pounding. Another week and the pain will be all gone (and forgotten!!)


Funny, I’m opposite. I struggle so much on treadmills. Feels like I’m running so slow. Very occasionally I like them if i want to dial in specific paces. But, usually I’d rather dip my head in a vat of acid.


Yeah, I think eventually I’ll go back to Garmin, but right now it feels liberating to run without it.

Sorry to hear about your nails. My nails also peeled off, so when I bought a little bigger shoes which has more space in toe section, my nail problem disapperared. All the best!


Yes I’ve tried bigger shoes and no joy. I’m doing the Chester marathon in October and hoping that doing 26 miles flattish instead of 35 over hills will be kinder to me (in road shoes, not cross trainers). I’m resigned to the fact I’ll get some damage. :roll_eyes::rofl: