Sad ☹️ . Don't want to go on

You may feel like your problem is unique but it’s not. I’m sure any professional in the business of helping with depression has seen many similar cases and worse. They’ll be better equipped to listen, sort and recommend treatment and tools to help you get passed this. If not a Dr. or meetings keep coming here and reading, you’re not alone like you feel and yes its normal when coming out of the old into the new. Hold onto the hope that it will all turn around and have faith that you can make it happen…you have friends here, many who have been thru hell and made it out. Hang on tight to get thru the hard times…


How are you doing today?

In my early days I did a LOT of sleeping just to get through the days. Overtime, as the withdrawal symptoms faded, I started to feel better in the day and didn’t spend so much time in bed.

I don’t want to dismiss real depression because I simply have not experienced what you are going through, I just want you to know that what you are feeling is okay.

But I still recommend going to emergency. Tell the doctor flat out that you are trying to quit drinking but don’t seem to be able to make it through the day. Tell the doctor that you are dealing with a lot of troubles at home and are feeling major depression. It is possible that the doctor will admit you right away for a supervised detox and perhaps they can even help you get to a rehab program (I’m not sure how Irish health care works…just thinking out loud).

Please know that we love you and that there is always hope. Every day is a new day and a new chance for change. Yesterday is gone, don’t let it control your today.


I hope you are feeling better today. Everyone deserves to go on and to be happy, even if you might not think so. You would be a terribly missed person if you were not in this world.

If you’re feeling this low, kudos to you for reaching out. It is a HUGE step. If you can do that one step of reaching out, you can move mountains. But you have to start somewhere and keep moving forward. I think you’re off to a fabulous start. Just keep going, one day, one moment at a time. Find your next step. Reach out further. Reach out to a friend or family. Reach out to a doctor. You don’t have to start out with the heavy lifting right away, you can work up to it.

I really do hope you’re feeling better. :heart:


Hello friend! Please check in and let us know how you are today.

As to what to tell the doctor, tell them what you are telling us. Just start with, “I’m depressed, suicidal, and trying to get sober.” Trust me, they will guide the questions from there. No matter what, be completely honest. A doctor will be kind and supportive and help get you what you need.

Also, stick around here as well. We really give a shit!


Thank you so much for your support . Feeling a little better today. Won’t lie still want to open a bottle but I won’t. Being here talking really helps . Thank you all do much for your kind words and support. :purple_heart:


Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better today @Bamba…The struggle can be very hard some days.everyday you dont pick up a drink you should feel proud.because that day you beat the can do it.:+1:

So glad you are feeling a little better today. I know for me I always feel at least a little better when I can release through talking, writing, physical activity or crying. Glad that talking here lifted you up a bit. Keep at it! :heart:

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Checking in for the day. How you doing?

If I may ask, how much sober time do you have?

Only two days :frowning:


I think the feeling of hating to drink in the morning and going to quit and before the evening you are looking for a reason to drink.i know I can relate and probably most people here can relate too so you are not alone.its not you it’s the alcohol (devil in the bottle)You for sure have a chemical imbalance caused by the alcohol,that’s what it does,it poison our minds.the quicker you take alcohol off the table and not a option the quicker you will feel better.and for sure you don’t have to do it on your to friends on here,in life or even to a doctor,I’m 47 year old and have been a drunk for over 30 17 days sober and feel like a new man.i still fight off cravings and possibly always will but when I have them I don’t debate to myself if I should or shouldn’t drink,drinking is no longer a option for me so I have to find something else to occupy my can do it to and I promise after a week or two it starts to get easier


Two days is better than one!

This whole thing is a lot, give yourself a break. My mental health was a disaster for a while. Haha, it’s still a disaster, but a very sober disaster. So much easier to deal with!

I have a therapist and psychiatrist that specialize in addiction and it helps a LOT! When I was drinking and using I was misdiagnosed, put on the wrong medications, and didn’t get the help I needed. Mostly all my fault. Now that I’m sober I’m getting off the wrong meds and getting a more accurate diagnosis.

Focus on getting through this minute, maybe this hour, but definatly nothing more than the this day. You aren’t crazy, this shit is really, really, REALLY hard! But in us you have found a group of people who understand, who will support you with both kindness and tough love.


Congrats on 2 days…im going to be checking in with you…i hope you are feeling better today!

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Thanks so much for all the support. It feels nice to have people who are supporting , rather than judging. I feel on here I can be genuinely honest with people .


How are you feeling Bamba?

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Hey! Checking in to see how your feeling❤️

Hey, are are you doing? Stay str
ong my friend…message me if you need to ever talk.

Feeling better today . I’m out in the garden . I’m not going to drink .my husband has been so supportive after me breaking down last week. The support here has been amazing , thank you all so much xxxx


This is good. Positive change happens little by little, not in giant leaps forward. Stay sober, and maybe get some help for your depression. Focus on this fight in front of you, and you will get better at getting better. Soon enough, you will have a handle on this, and it will serve as the foundation upon which you rebuild a satisfying life.

Two bits of advice: Don’t spend any time looking behind you. There’s nothing back there that you can change and in your current mental state, all you will see back there is regret and mistakes. Also, don’t spend all of your time looking way down the road. You’ll get there, when you get there. For now, focus on the steps you take, no matter how small, and look for things to avoid tripping you up. We’re here to help you when you need a bit of support and coaching, but you must come here to get it. Spend a lot of time here, even if it’s just reading threads and comments. You will see victories and setbacks, and plenty of determination, love and support.


That is the nicest message today . Thank you so much XXX