Sad ☹️ . Don't want to go on

Now…as for not wanting to go on…please, if you are in imminent danger go to the hospital. Tell them how you are feeling and they will get you help.

I promise you that NO ONE will be better off if you are gone. No matter how badly you think others feel about you right now, none of them want you gone, they only want you better!

And, we love you. We want you here.


What a cutie :heart:

Where in the world are you?


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Im your Celtic neighbour Scotland


I’m originally from England , but here 26 years now …


Don’t know what the options are but if you can go to the doctor and just tell them how you’re feeling, they may be able to help. Whether that’s antidepressants, therapy or something else. If the support is there, take it. We all need help sometimes.

As I’m sure you will know, getting drunk (assuming alcohol is your DOC?) Won’t make the problems go away. They will still be there when you sober up, as well as any new shit to deal with as a result of getting drunk, as well as a hangover!

I live in England - currently in the North West, near Chester although I’m from Reading. Not been to Ireland but I would love to visit. The countryside and coastlines look gorgeous.

@Bamba I have felt that way a couple of times in the past like seriously, planned it and everything but now I’m so glad I didn’t. You will be too. You can get in to a good place it starts with believing just a little bit in yourself and even if you don’t I do. You deserve a happy life and you can have one


@Bamba how r u feeling tonight x


Alone :sob:… I just want to sleep all the time . My husband won’t talk to me , he’s left and gone I don’t know where . I just don’t want to wake up tomorrow . Wish I could just sleep forever . I feel like a total waste of flesh.

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What part of Ireland are you living in…I am from Ireland a place called co Kerry. I am living in the UK.just new to this.I hope you feel better soon.very cute dog

I’m a serial resetter also… alcohol runs my life. I think I’m finally done drinking. I lost the love of my life. And I stayed home from work yesterday and drank all day. I sick of being sick so I want to change also.


I say it every morning that I hate drink and I’m done with it , then cone the evening I’m there with a glass I’m my hand . I want to stop but can’t . I’ve tried the whole doing other things etc . I genuinely don’t know what to do. It’s like a black dog with its teeth in me :sob:

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I haven’t drank today , but I came home from work and came straight to bed . Now I’m awake sad , depressed and would gladly pick up a bottle of anything once it numbed this feeling.
I hate myself .


Maybe once u have rested u will feel loads better x


I’m so sorry you’re going through this Bamba. Well done for not drinking today, that’s a great step. I hope you can find some useful medical help soon. I know it’s difficult, but it can get easier with the right support. If things are strained with your husband do you have friends or family you could talk to? I took two attempts at my life back in 2007- with medical help (although quite minimal, sadly) and my family’s support I slowly (with a few relapses) started to feel better about life and about myself. Remember you are a valuable, lovable person. :heart:


I’m from Northern Ireland. Just stay on here and keep reading through . Everyone is here for the same reason x


I know its hard to see right now, but give yourself a few days without the alcohol and the fog in your mind will begin to clear… sleep sleep sleep if you need to, but stay away from the bottle. Snuggle your puppy, cry, write it out, get it all the emotions out. Things are hard to process, but drinking makes it so much harder…
Sending love your way :yellow_heart:


I was right there with you less than 2 months ago. Thank god for our dogs to remind us that we are loved and needed. I spent days drinking and thinking about exit plans. I held on and I’m so glad I did. I stopped drinking set some new life goals and now am feeling excited about the future. Please hang on. Things will improve. I promise.


I was you 2.5 years ago…i was so sick and tired of failing continuously and thought it would never change…it does change…just hang on and keep trying…2.5 years sober and i would never think that would be me…and it gets so much better…you can do this!!


I started taking lexapro it helped alot… many talk to your doc about getting campral? I love going to AA when they have speakers that tell there stories. my old therapist got my German Shepherd registered as a emotional support animal so I take her to 8A with me definitely helps a lot.

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