Saturday Day/Night- What’s Up?

I’m all for sleep… it’s been my go to advice for everyone lately. lol

I always keep some boxed Mac and cheese for food backup. I just chucked in some leftover chicken and squash and then I can pretend it’s healthy :rofl::rofl:


Hope you feel better soon Goat!


Watched a bad bad bad Christmas movie (one of those sappy Halmark ones), wrapped presents, now watching a Bond movie. Soon time for bed.

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Hallmark movies are the best. :see_no_evil:

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Trying to get my little one to bed, while drinking coffee. Which means I’ll be up till 2 am then to get up for church in the morning.

Better then a late night out waking up feeling like shit.


What Bond movie??

It’s beautiful,I love a full moon…even better when there’s someone special to spend it with…too bad I don’t have anyone right now lol

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I’ve been up since 6:13am when my youngest woke me up by asking which is faster: a cheetah or a police car? I went to an AA meeting in the middle of the day that did my head in. I had to take a break from frantic holiday preparations to go to another one. @aircircle - I hear you. I needed more than one today too. Badly enough to hit one at 10:00pm.

Now, back to cleaning a bathtub.:roll_eyes:


Finished making cookies and watching A Simple Favor currently

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Same. I finally went to the doc today after 6 days of fever and he told me I have strep throat and the beginnings of pneumonia! Finally feel better after some antibiotics. Take care of yourself!


A cheetah, obviously lol. My oldest talks my ear off at night when I’m putting them to bed. Lately, he’s stuck on knowing the exact reasons dinosaurs are extinct, and pondering what it could be like if we co existed. Maybe I’ll put Jurassic Park on for him :rofl:


Thanks. This too shall pass.

It is the first cold I have had in a couple years. It hit so hard and fast so it was a bit of wrf is this I got stuff to do?


At the beginning of the season I rolled my eyes st every commercial that came up then one day I was bored and I put one on…I’ve become hooked.

Damn, girl! Pneumonia blows. I had it a couple of years ago, and I remember how tired I was. I know you aren’t going to get any rest through Christmas either. ( Hugs…)

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They have them all year. Valentines, harvest, June weddings…I record them all year. My boys call them “love movies” . :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Saturday night entertainment so far here!


My Saturday entertainment was spending a ton of money on discounted Christmas things I don’t need.

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Have my boys and watching my niece and nephew this weekend :heart_eyes: Totally doing this solo, but it’s been a great day.


I spent all afternoon recording vocals for 5 songs. Now, running around town taking care of business like a boss. Later? who knows: put a puzzle together, watch a movie?