Saturday Day/Night- What’s Up?

A puzzle is such a great idea! Now I want to play with one lol. Maybe I’ll have to do that tomorrow!


Trying to watch The Anonymous People but everyone keeps interrupting me!!


Love how real and in the moment your comments and posts are :joy::slight_smile: How many kiddos do you have? How old?

My wife LOVES puzzles. She has a closet full. My sister just dropped off 3 of hers for us to do. It’s good bonding time. :blush:


Long lavender bath, candles, listening to Son Volt, and hoping that my three year old is not getting sick. He seems restless in his sleep - and he asked to go to bed.:open_mouth:


Saturday…I’m scrolling thru thread. Instead of fighting off alcohol I’m actually trying to fight off ice cream. Getting a lot of my homework done. I might actually get to enjoy some of Sunday this weekend. Hope everyone is faring well.


Saturday night & instead of binge drinking & drugging, I am binging Game Of Thrones!

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Went to a reverse raffle with a friend…they had a open bar and I was nervous (I mean all you can drink…free booze!) But home now with 2 diet cokes and 2 waters in my belly!


Paying bills. Sobriety has really allowed me to crush some serious debt. The deer crushing my car eliminated a car payment and higher insurance premiums and thanks to my girl, Goldie Hawn, the sweet Buick that budget is much smaller now as well.


What’s up this Saturday night… always being late to the party because of my timezone!


Two - age 15 and 12.

What’s up everyone? Ready to kick off another fantastic sober Saturday? What do you have planned today to enrich your life.and stay sober?


I’m just going to clean and watch some Netflix. I have work tonight at 11

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Kids are looking for a family movie to watch and having some nice food in a couple of minutes. Instead of wine and beer i will be having some NA drinks and stay sober to get up early to prepare for the carnival parade tomorrow, where the whole family will take part in :+1:

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Bitter cold here. Making soup…either chili or chicken enchilada. I can’t decide. TV and maybe some house chores. Come on spring!


It’s snowing. I have one kid volunteering at the library for Dr. Seuss’ birthday. One kid that has a social thing. This kid gets to ferry them through the ice and snow. Subzero degrees still…Yay… Home at 7p. We’ll finish We Were Soldiers because this kind of tear-inducing movie is vital for my kids’ development! :slight_smile:


Green chili - best of both worlds.

So happy my parents are moving back to Chicago area from Ohio, where they’ve been for 25 years, to be close to their grandkids and family. It’ll be so great to have them near. I’m on a train as I write this, going to check out their new house, which they closed on yesterday. I feel so grateful for this new chapter in our lives… may happiness & contentment find each and every one of you today.


Never made that

Watching FRIENDS again on netflix think its the 40th time i watched al seasons over the past years lol
But also sad…feel so lonely especialy now…but 6 days sober:)