Hi Everyone,
Today I am 2.47 days clean from Porn and masturbation (usually the 2 addictions go together). I went to an Alcohol and Drug addiction therapy group months ago - when I mentioned what I was addicted to, some of the women there laughed at me. I have since left that therapy group and have a support group with 2 of my cousins who struggle with the same addiction. It is helping more than the therapy group!
It is sad that those who struggle with addiction to pornography seldom get help or get out of it.
Firstly they are filled with shame about this secret addiction. Secondly - society thinks it’s normal!
Science has proven that pornography addiction It is more addictive than cocaine! This is why so many who get out of drugs fail to get out of porn!
Are there any others out there with this addiction? Maybe we can be more open about it and support each other!
Firstly I believe that there is no way out of this addiction without Jesus Christ and having a relationship to God - think whatever you will. You have your personal democratic freedom to believe what you believe, I am entitled to my beliefs as well!! As a Christian who has an addiction to this I know it is only a matter of time until I become completely clean from this addiction! I began this addiction at the age of 12 years old when a friend at school who I wish I had never met told me about masturbation. That afternoon I tried it and that was it! The porn problem came with the start of dial-up-internet when I was about 15 years old.
As graphic designer I am extremely stimulated by novelty and visually, so the female form - being one of the most attractive and artistic of Gods creations was needless to say an issue for me. Women are not bad! God is not bad for creating them! The internet is not bad! It is the MISUSE and ABUSE of everything beautiful that is highly sinful! Masturbation and Porn are a total misuse of Gods gift of sex and more people should see this misuse as intensely destructive and highly addictive. Those who struggle with this sin only know of the pain, self-hate and helplessness they feel while addicted to it. It also causes people to lose focus in life and in their careers! Having ADD myself, a binge session the night before work only turns me into a highly unproductive person at work the following day!
I am determined to stop with this evil habit and break my addiction to it through the power of the holy spirit, Jesus Christ and conciously making wise decisions and doing what Gods word says - (to FLEE these things) and pursue hope, faith and love. Porn is the TOTAL opposite of love and women are being abused and trafficked through this dreadful, horrific plaugue on the internet! I hate it and so should you!
Please may I ask that all of you who have an interest in me getting free - pray for me! I sincerely want to get out of it and go the rest of my life without it! Also - all pornographers are in huge trouble with the Lord!
But God is willing to help all those who sincerely want to stop sinning and serve Him!
Adulterers and adulteresses God will judge!
Thank you for reading this far. Drop me a message and let’s chat.