Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery

Hi Everyone,

Today I am 2.47 days clean from Porn and masturbation (usually the 2 addictions go together). I went to an Alcohol and Drug addiction therapy group months ago - when I mentioned what I was addicted to, some of the women there laughed at me. I have since left that therapy group and have a support group with 2 of my cousins who struggle with the same addiction. It is helping more than the therapy group!

It is sad that those who struggle with addiction to pornography seldom get help or get out of it.
Firstly they are filled with shame about this secret addiction. Secondly - society thinks it’s normal!
Science has proven that pornography addiction It is more addictive than cocaine! This is why so many who get out of drugs fail to get out of porn!

Are there any others out there with this addiction? Maybe we can be more open about it and support each other!
Firstly I believe that there is no way out of this addiction without Jesus Christ and having a relationship to God - think whatever you will. You have your personal democratic freedom to believe what you believe, I am entitled to my beliefs as well!! As a Christian who has an addiction to this I know it is only a matter of time until I become completely clean from this addiction! I began this addiction at the age of 12 years old when a friend at school who I wish I had never met told me about masturbation. That afternoon I tried it and that was it! The porn problem came with the start of dial-up-internet when I was about 15 years old.

As graphic designer I am extremely stimulated by novelty and visually, so the female form - being one of the most attractive and artistic of Gods creations was needless to say an issue for me. Women are not bad! God is not bad for creating them! The internet is not bad! It is the MISUSE and ABUSE of everything beautiful that is highly sinful! Masturbation and Porn are a total misuse of Gods gift of sex and more people should see this misuse as intensely destructive and highly addictive. Those who struggle with this sin only know of the pain, self-hate and helplessness they feel while addicted to it. It also causes people to lose focus in life and in their careers! Having ADD myself, a binge session the night before work only turns me into a highly unproductive person at work the following day!

I am determined to stop with this evil habit and break my addiction to it through the power of the holy spirit, Jesus Christ and conciously making wise decisions and doing what Gods word says - (to FLEE these things) and pursue hope, faith and love. Porn is the TOTAL opposite of love and women are being abused and trafficked through this dreadful, horrific plaugue on the internet! I hate it and so should you!

Please may I ask that all of you who have an interest in me getting free - pray for me! I sincerely want to get out of it and go the rest of my life without it! Also - all pornographers are in huge trouble with the Lord!
But God is willing to help all those who sincerely want to stop sinning and serve Him!
Adulterers and adulteresses God will judge!

Thank you for reading this far. Drop me a message and let’s chat.


hii… i m also here for “porn” addiction. I am 3 days sober and i can truly relate to what u said… Porn totally messed up my health, my life and everything related to me. I m really determined to get this shit out of my life… Lets do this…


DreamyY! Right on my friend! You are further than me! Good on you! You are right - the correct term for Porn is SHIT! Exactly that! It is worthless crap and cannot bring us a gram of joy, hope or peace! It is what it’s made to be - a complete lie!

You will get free with such an upright attitude my friend! I will pray for you, pray for me too! Let’s defeat this thing!
I am glad to find someone else who agrees that this $#1- is going DOWN in our lives! The pure in heart will SEE GOD! Just think of that.

Shout if I can encourage you at any time!
For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.


I am 26 from India.and you.?
Yeah thanks for your kind words and support. I will pray for you 2.
I completely agree with u having faith in God to free us from this terrible addiction.
Lots of issues in my life are connected with porn use.
I also agree that society finds porn normal and girls do make fun of guys or sometimes they are confused about how porn can be so effecting


We can also use this thread for daily check-ins if you like.


Hey DreamyY, sounds good :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes, and this problem affects not only men but women too! Multiple women are also addicted, most of them just won’t confess it!

I am 32 years old, from South Africa.
I will share some things that have been helping me.

Since I am a graphic designer who got hooked also while studying design since you know how much sex is used in advertising… I could relate to this guys testimony:

See this one too:

I have a whole library of resources that I have collected to get support on this issue, but prayer and reading Gods word daily is a major help!
We also need to know our triggers. Mine is staying up too late and also lying in bed alone with a cell phone in hand - that is a dangerous place to be! That is like having crack cocaine next you your bed being a drug addict - or a nice cold six pack in the fridge if you are an alcoholic! It’s even worse if your phone is so readily available!

I find I cn keep sober at work and between 8 and 9:00 - but I use Boomerang on my phone. It block apps and my cousin controld it. So my phone is set to lock down all internet access apps at 9:00pm - so I have no access to porn after 9:00 - after 9:00 I am not so mentaly sober - and it’s way easier to fall when you are tired and not so watchful!

We can keep this thread going and anyone else who wants to get free of this stuff can join - if people wanna debate and troll on us - then they are not welcome!

Have a victorious day DreamyY. I gotta do some work - but drop a message and I will get back to you for sure, Lord willing :slight_smile:


Here’s a great verse to help from 1COR6.

Flee Sexual Immorality

12“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. 13“Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food”—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. 15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! 16Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” 17But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. 18Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 19Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.



That’s not the same as FACING
or being strong…you might be able to FACE other stuff, other enemies, but this enemy is overcome by fleeing and letting God destroy it! Then you are working with God to destroy it! It takes guts to flee! It is warlike in this area to flee! So don’t think of it as being weak to say "I really have a problem with XXX (and name it!) That is commendable! That is having boldness! That is having courage!

So Dreamy Y - live in this simplicity and faith that you have and keep going to Jesus for the solutions - all the solutions are in the Bible! I wil walk this way with you to freedom!

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Thanks @iwillwin i will save your number and contact u…and lets keep this thread going.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experiences. Lets take it a day at a time. I am also a member of SA ( sexaholics Anonymous) Great 12 step program for lust addicts
I m determined to get sober…


btw i m 26 from India

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I don’t talk about it much because I felt I was mostly here for my alcohol and drug addictions, but I too have been porn/masturbation free for 65 days now. The two honestly went hand in hand for me. (No pun intended lol) I know the struggles all too well. I was exposed to it at 9 yrs old and it completely controlled my life by 12. It is an evil stronghold for both men and women. As a woman I’m sorry that you were laughed at and your addiction was minimized. Do you have access to SA there? Might be more helpful…? Anyway thanks for your honesty. And for that scripture! That has been my vs these past couple months. Sometimes the only thing I feel I did right for years was just kept getting back up.


Welcome to recovery. While my DOC has not not alcohol, drugs, food gambling etc, lust/sex is. It manefests itself in so many forms but at the end of the day, for me, it is when I entertain lust and fantasy. I identify with so much of this thread and have sworn off pornography and sex outside the marriage to many times to count. I am not surprised by @Rosey comment. I have so many people in my F2F meeting that have identified with other addiction before discovering that the true core addiction was lust/sex. I have heard it discovered by the cross adicted sponsor. Once you think about it for a bit, drinking and drugging can sometimes be the precursor to so many way to act out sexual in some form. With others or themselves. I wish all my brothers and sisters afflicted here and those who are not a quick road to sobriety.


Although i never had sex , lust has a problem for me too.
It all starts with some sexy ytube videos and ends up in porn for me mostly


Sounds about right. Before I even had my first “healthy” sexual encounter I was exposed to print media with a lot of sexual explicit pictures. BTW I would suggest that you not publicly share your personal information and identiy in a public forum. You can pm ppl privately if you choose to provide it.


I too struggle with this, struggle may be the wrong word here because that means you have to put up a fight. For me there is a shame when I stumbled feeling far away from God’s grace thinking I’m unworthy. Failing to remember that He’s here to break these chains and it’s not about my works or worth, but because He loved me first. Over these many years there has been improvements instead of watching porn every other day and masturbating it went to once every two weeks to once every 3 weeks to once a month now, but I desire Jesus to liberate it from me so I can continue to love and serve Him. These things are not of the kingdom and I desire to walk in freedom and thanksgiving for all that he has done all that He’s doing and all that he will do.


I consider myself blessed that this is not a struggle for me. Being raised my a single mom, brother to an absolutely beautiful little sister, I grew up with a healthy respect for woman…at least healthy for the times. When I was a young Marine, I was exposed to my share of porn in the barracks. My curiosity led me to the strip clubs and other “exotic” sights in far-flung places, but once they curiosity was satisfied, it wasn’t a problem for me.

Then the Lord blessed me with a daughter, and shortly before she was born, called me to salvation. When that wet, pruney, crying little bundle was placed in my hands, it changed my entire view on women. Every woman is someone’s daughter, sister, mother, wife, and this could be no truer when one considers who their heavenly father is. I imagine what I would do to the boy or man who objectified my daughter, or disrespected my wife, with only my earthly hands to do it. I can’t begin to imagine how God feels about it.

The Lord has given me one woman, my wife, to be whom my desire belongs, a desire tempered and restrained by love and respect.

I pray for my brothers and sisters who struggle with this. It’s everywhere, seductive, and plays upon the natural desires we’re supposed to have for potential mates. I don’t know how hard it is, but I do know it’s not easy. Stay Strong! Be Free!


Rosey! Way to go for being so open! That’s a rare and tremendous thing! Honesty and bringing it into the light is the only way we will beat this! It thrives in secret and darkness like a disgusting bacteria in murky stagnant waters. Congrats on your 65 days of victory Rosey! You will get this under your feet! Keep going you’re doing great! God will help you to make your mess your message and I’m sure you will be a testimony to many young women who struggle with this hidden addiction. I wish for many to become free - starting with me!

Unfortunately I don’t have access to an SA group - and the groups I have come across don’t want to bring Jesus into the program and for me - that is insanity! How can we get free from a develish addiction without the “higher power” as many refer to him without mentioning his awesome name!

Keep moving forward! One day at a time! Moment by moment!
We can keep this thread going and support each other by praying for one another and sharing our victories and what has helped us! Then we drag this dark secret into the light where it can burn and be cleansed! I feel so happy to know there are others out there that are fighting in faith for freedom from this corruption.

Jesus was tempted just like you and me - and he felt our pain and felt the pressure! But what did he tell the woman who was caught in adultery? - Everyone else wanted to stone her! Check out what Jesus attitude and heart was like towards this poor woman who was bound by her sin and proberbly hated her wretched lifestyle - “I do not condemn you”

4“Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”

6They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.

9When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”

11“No, Lord,” she said.

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

So if Jesus said “Go and sin no more” then it is definitely possible to stop sinning in this area! What a tremendous future we have. Think to be clean in this area - we can look others in the eyes without shame - and a wretched man like me can look at woman as a woman and not as an object of lust! Women have feelings and emotions and personalities - unlike how they portray them in these rubbish porn movies! Most of those women are poor and desperate women - addicted to drugs and numbing their pain daily! So they are actually broken women who are being abused! They should never be in such a perverse industry! And if us men are watching this crap - it’s supporting the industry! But I know too well the pull and how strong the desire for it is! Sometimes it seems irresistable - but we ARE able to resist! Let’s resist until death so that this never retains its power over us but that we can be victorious over this porn addiction - it’s from hell itself and pornographers are making a living off of other peoples sins and addiction - what a terrible and rotten career path!

I am a graphic designer - so I know how to airbrush peoples faces and make photos look better - it’s all a big lie! Most real people can never measure up to these porn stars.

Pray for me that I can become completely free from this addiction and I will pray for all of you daily!

Thank you Rosey and everyone here for responding on this thread! There is help and there is freedom from this sin!

Rosey - you are right - the getting back up over and over is a massive achievement!

For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

Who fell?

The Righteous!!

Who rises again???



Thanks so much Sob3r2day!!
What is F2F?
I agree about revealing your public info - sometimes pornographers prey on the weak - they find their contact details and then spam them! So good not to reveal private info, names etc! PM each other rather!

StevieTee! Thanks so much for sharing your story!
Mine has some similarities - My father passed away when I was 7 years old, I grew up with my single mom who never remarried and my older brother.

I was not a popular child at school - I was the “weird creative” type - didn’t ever fit in and I was absolutely ridiculed and rejected by my peers on a daily basis - maybe they just didn’t like my face - you know what I’m talking about!
I was also never really popular with the ladies due to my quiet withdrawn demeanour. I never had a girlfriend. But I turned to porn to numb the pain inside and felt somewhat accepted by the women in the photos! I would get my hands on junkmail or photographic books. Whatever! It has been a secret addiction from a young age. Many get addicted due to rejection issues!

I still struggle with rejection even from people today but I am glad I have made good frineds and have an awesome support group with just 3 of us and now - I have found you guys!

I’m now 3 days clean! Pray for me tonight that I can stand firm in my decision!

God Bless everyone here!