Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery

Thanks a lot…you guys are my inspiration…


Good morning. 2 months and 25 days in and I had to reset. I was so exhausted last night that I caved. Waking up this morning, it felt like a distant nightmare. Super disappointed to have lost those numbers, but I won’t let this be an excuse to start again. These last almost three months are still progress. Pray for me. I gotta tell my mentor and small group.


Thanks for sharing @Saved. Sorry about your reset. But it’s good that you came here to talk about it. Get back into that saddle and start again. Be sober today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Relapsed after 23 days…its very difficult to recover from porn PMO completely…trying again…starting fresh…


Welcome back @montasir.

For me, I know that I won’t ever recover from PMO completely, ever.

I will have manage each day with this addiction until the day I die. I accept that and lean into the struggle everyday which adds to my balance.


Same, I think even if I get to the poi t where it’s not a constant struggle, I will always be one step away from picking up again.


R8…felt guilty and frustrated.told myself,just relax…took a long shower…then, spent 2 hours in the gym…feeling okay now…


Nice thinking…:slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe a bit gloomy of a thought, but realistic. I’d rather not imagine that I’m okay.


Relapsed again…I am struggling… :sob:

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Hi @montasir, I know what you’re going through. Don’t give up. Be sober today. Good job coming clean. Nice to hear back from you.


Hey! I am sorry to hear that you relapsed. Know that we are thinking of you and cheering you on for the side. I will pray for you as well :slight_smile: Let us know if we can help in any other ways. Just focus on getting back up, learning from what happened, and becoming better than before. Remember: progress, not perfection (something I still struggle with, myself, haha)


Im back feeling pretty good about myself. I have worked diligently to eliminate live cam material and have not been on any tubesites. I’m not going to say I have beat this, however I feel like I’m doing much better.


Nice to hear from you again @Newpath30. Welcome back.

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I missing a lot of the members on this thread. I wish they were here.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m used to seeing more members new and old come forth about their struggles with PMO.

Makes me sad that so many that try, don’t persevere. And I don’t have any easy simple answers. I don’t know how I’m sober right now. I’ve wanted to act out at least 100 times over the last 6 months, but by some miracle, I didn’t.

Yeah, my environment really helps. I don’t keep porn within arms reach. If I do, it’s no different then keeping a stash of porn in my closet.

And it’s helped to be on TS, a lot. I see myself so much in the stories of alcoholics and drug addicts. Learning to implement such philosophies such as a sober plan, a consequences card, and don’t crave alone. And the Celebrate Recovery meeting is another consistent weekly activity I’ve implemented.

The fact is I’m still weak. I need help. And I know it. Coming close to celebrating 217 days of continuous sobriety from both porn and MB. Again, I don’t know how. I know that I couldn’t have done this on my own. These days are not an achievement, but simply a gift.

Hoping to embrace a new way of thinking soon. One based on reality where instead of running from my addiction, I’m running to a newer better life. I’m not there yet. I used to be at one time in my life. Just hoping I get a chance to return to that amazing place. If that makes any sense.

To the addict that still suffers, please reach out for help, and never give up… Never


Just curious if you’ve every tried individual therapy? I know CR is a fantastic program but it isn’t the same as the one on one deal. Maybe since you’ve been struggling a bit lately it would be good to add another tool to your toolbox?

I used to fear that I’d never be rid of this addiction. That I would die with it. It really haunted the back of my mind. Now though, I’ve come to realize that I’m an addict. Maybe I’m coded to be predisposed toward addiction. One slip and I’m back into full blown addiction all over again. I will always be an addict. That does not mean that I will always be in the thrall of it, but I will always be at risk of it. One day at a time though.


Yes, I have. I went through about 5 individual counselors in my lifetime.

And I honestly had better results with other tools such as 12 step meetings and online support such as TS.

But thank you, Cristel, for the recommendation. Individual therapy has been a really good resource for some of my friends.

Yeah, this stretch of sobriety has been very challenging. Really not trying to white knuckle it. I must admit that my life has more stress than ever before. With a family of 6, working 2 jobs over 70 hours a week to make ends meet can take it’s toll. The stress may be a big contributor to my tendency to revert to acting out desires.

And it reassures me that others here don’t feel cured. The idea of never having a drink again is often too much for many to handle. I feel the same for my addiction. One day at a time seems to work better for me as well.

You want to know something? Maybe CR and SLAA are fantastic programs, but so is TS. To be able to log in anytime, anywhere, and get support like this? That’s huge for me.

So thank you. I love all of you here.


One day at a time is definitely a good way to approach it. Keep going. We’re cheering you on!



Nicholas, you had some good words shared here. I hope you return soon.