Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery

Hey man, sorry to hear you relapsed. Good that you’re identifying trigger times and have put a restraint on your phone.

I have experienced all the things you described. I was an awkward kid and that led to much isolation. Because my peers recognized that I was isolated, it was hard to make friends because they didn’t want to be isolated too, enter rejection. This led to hurt for me. This would play out further and more graphically in my adolescent years. Even sometimes as an adult I feel isolated. I sit in a cube farm with 11 other guys and they rarely interact with me, even if I say good morning. I hear them make plans after work together, it is rare that they invite me.

Reading through some of your old posts… You’re in a tough situation my friend, with no meetings in your area. SA does have phone meetings though, something to consider. If you don’t have access to SA literature, if be happy to mail you some if you’re comfortable PMing me your address. And, looking at your profile, I’m guessing you don’t visit many of the other threads on this forum. I recommend trying them. The “substance” we are addicted to may differ, but our struggles are very much the same. Feelings of defeat, hopelessness, and isolation are common among us.


Have you every heard the acronym for HALT. It very much decribes one of the things to be careful when recovering from an addiction. Hungry (for some type of lust) Angry, Lonely and Tired.


I believe victory over sin is possible - just watch this video!
Victory over porn addiction is totally possible!

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Hello all, I just joined this app. Almost 2 weeks sober right now, and I’ll pray for all of you. Part of this specific addiction is the real isolation that comes with it, you feel shame and you don’t want your friends and family to know about it or think differently of you because if it. Because of that you keep it all to yourself and bottle up your struggle on it. Being able to have a platform where you feel free to talk to others and not feel worried about how they will think about you, about this really sensitive thing, is really important. I’m a 25 year old female, and live in the US. I picked up this addiction in middle school, and haven’t been able to fully shake it since.

It’s really is a slippery one. I don’t want to just be rid of the addiction, I want the triggers for it to not BE triggers anymore. I want to feel like I can still navigate the internet or draw with my friend and not have to avoid certain things in order to stay away from the addiction. So far, I really haven’t been avoiding the triggers. I let myself navigate sites like I normally would, and notice a trigger, but then I take breathes and do deep breathing exercises. I don’t know how long this will work all by itself but so far reminding myself to take deep breathes really helps and makes me refocus. Then I can remind myself to keep moving along and not let it derail me into something I’ll regret.


This is my 7th day. Getting bored is one of my biggest pitfalls. Wish you all luck in this journey!


There’s no shame in sharing your addiction. There is shame on people who shame the ones who try to get help.
It helps me to think on my recovery when I realize those that make fun are usually not taking their recovery serious as they should and that means they don’t respect themselves or others.
However, there is one point of view to consider.

Use that AWFUL experience of them laughing at you in a positive way. Laugh with them sometimes. It might help them to


This is my first day of addiction recovery. Thank you for sharing your story. It is hard being a female porn addict. I was first exposed to mastrubation around 8, and it started off easy, and then increased to the use of pornography. People don’t expect me to be tempted by this but I am, and my parents definitely don’t know about this. I want to serve a Christian mission and I need to overcome my addiction before I can do this. I have always hated this side of me and I am going to try to break free and elevate myself, but it’s already hard. Thank you all! Best of luck!

Update… I’m 10 days clean. Shooting for 15. Wish me luck :+1: and good luck to you all from me.


Hey guys, I’m new in this fight. I’m sick and tired of this addiction and all the destruction that comes with it. Please pray for me, I made 6 days last week and now I’m back at 1,5.
What are some of your practical safety measures to avoid relapse?

I have really struggled with the self hatred part of my lust addiction. I am working on it with a therapist fortnightly.

I start each day in prayer. I thank God for keeping me sober yesterday and ask that he keep me sober today. I then say out loud, “I deserve to be sober, I deserve to be happy.” I say it slowly, making sure that I think about each statement and embrace it. We are lovable people, especially when we’re sober. Reward yourself in some small way for doing good things to stay sober. Let yourself take time to read, or go get a cup of coffee, or go see a movie, and recognize that those are positive things and you should fully enjoy them.

Maybe I’ve missed the mark of your comments entirely. This is my struggle though.


Meetings meetings meetings! Got to build a community that will support you and this app is unlikely to be enough. There are a number of programs. I personally like SA (

I am personally not a fan of safety measures, because I’ll find a way around them if my head is in the wrong place. Or fantasy will fill the void of porn and I’ll lose touch with reality altogether, speaking from experience. I hope you find support here and in RL brother.


Hey Guys, I’m on 0.58 days.
Relapsed last night! Sick!
Gonna try get access to an SA group in my area. How are you all doing?

Gonna start reading through the SA white book.
Also need to have more of a routine, exercise, eat well, get to bed on time etc.


I relapsed today too after 14 days. What a waste!

Something that has always helped me. “We are not bad people! Just sick people”


Not a waste! Those 14 days happened! Hold onto them and take encouragement from them. You did them once so you can do them again. I believe in you.



A righteous man falls seven times and gets back up again!!


Not my words - it’s in the Bible - check it out:
For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

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Here is something I got from my spiritual Shepherd:

"All who have faith in themselves will never come to victory! You have to put all your confidence in Jesus, that means you immediately obey when He speaks to you. When he says “flee!”

When He says: you will die if you eat this “icecream”!!!

(From an excerpt from a youth leaders message: “First of all I would deliberately do everything within my power to make sure that it never happens again.
If your doctor told you that you cannot eat ice cream again because you would then develope cancer, what would you do? Think hard! :-)”)

God will tolerate it up to a point, then He will say: enough!! Then you die!!

1 Corinthians 10:5-7
But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were scattered in the wilderness. And these things were our examples, that we should not be lusters after evil, as they also lusted. Nor should we be idolaters, even as some of them, as it is written: “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.”

They play… they fooled around with God!

I have been sober for 1day.68
I was tempted last night to do porn and masturbation - but I prayed to Jesus Christ for grace - I clenched my hands together and held them above my blanket - I also put my hands behind my head and continued to pray that I could get grace to get victory over my lusts - before this I shut down my laptop and packed it away - outside where I could not get to it - in the car - locked away, down the road.

God does help us, but He won’t do it for you! You have to be OBEDIENT!!!

Then God will see that you are serious and He gives power to get Victory - but you have to DO something! If you knew a thief would come and rob you of your prized possessions - you would DO something! You would fight the thief, you would maybe even kill the thief if it was a family member, your wife/husband/child/mother/father - I know I would be prepared to fight for my own mothers life!

But this thief - PORN - robs you of YOUR LIFE!!

How long are we gonna just live this lazy, good for nothing, sluggish, slothful, joyless, defeatist, victim, sorry, self-pity, self-loathing, sinful, Godless, worthless, foolish, egotistic, selfish, hidden, dark, demented, ugly, gross, disgusting, vile, frot! Womanizing, woman-hating, woman degrading (or if you are a woman - inappropriate use of the man) LIFESTYLE!

Come onnnnn people! WAKE UP WITH ME!!! I wanna get OUT of all this GARBAGE! And live a REAL TRUE, GODLY, KIND, WORTHY of CHRIST, Blessed, Joyful VICTOOOORIOUS LIFE!

Comeee onnnNN!

Let’s see somemore days of victory here folks!
I’m starting with my own life! Then I can help others and be an example for them.
So one day of purity so far and I am becoming fired up for more and I am starting to get a better mindset thanks to my Shepherd for knocking some sense into my thick, subborn, disobedient head!

OBEDIENCE of FAITH is the way to go for me from now on!! End of story!