Shaman in recovery?

idk i just know that it does use psychs a lot of the times didn’t know i said it “authoritively”

Wow. I’m sorry I posted. For the record, I have never used any drugs or psychedelics. Shamanism is a type of spirituality practiced worldwide, with many different practices that relate to the culture it’s practiced in; universally characterized by interaction with the spirit world through altered states. Alcohol interferes with the ability to achieve deep meditative trance.


Don’t be sorry you posted! Just a little side track.

Welcome! I hope you find lots here that can help you. Here is a collection of threads that you may find useful as you get started.

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey and experiences!


It is definitely a conversation that is happening in many places. There are people again studying microdosing with mushrooms, LSD, Ayahuasca, etc. for assisting with PTSD, depression and yes, addictions.


I would let the original poster @BlueHarbor speak for herself.

But my understanding of shamanistic recovery is using deep, natural meditation techniques. It does not encourage the use of any drugs to achieve peace which would be counterproductive.

And I personally find deep mediation practice very beneficial to maintaining my sobriety and growth, @BlueHarbor. It’s still rare I can really achieve it though.


Ah and there it is. No worries, I think it’s a great suggestion even if there was some misinterpretation for a minute there.

For real, deep meditation is probably one of the more difficult but rewarding things I do to maintain recovery. :+1: :pray:


This is how you answer a question.

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Please don’t be sorry you posted!! And welcome!! It is a valid question and I am sorry your post got sidetracked. I am definitely a believer in spirituality and healing our selves in a variety of ways. As liv mentioned, reiki is a powerful tool, and I have also found flotation therapy can be an energetic experience…as well as Lucia Light sessions…and definitely meditation and yoga are good tools for spiritual and energetic integration.


I’m sorry your thread got derailed, I would like for your topic to continue as presented, I think it’s a valuable one to discuss here. Perhaps everyone can get back on track, and when I get a few minutes later I or someone else can evaluate if the thread would be better cleaned up by moving a few posts into their own topic instead of distracting from yours.

its really not a horrible idea at all in the right people. its proven effective.

As a drunk, I would love if a pill (or stamp) could just fix this mess o Goat RIGHT NOW. I want results, not process. I don’t want to work for it I WANT IT NOW. Hell even old Bill W dropped acid for a while trying to recreate spiritual experiences while he was “sober.” (I make no comment on science and some of the issues with PTSD and such that are being explored for medical purposes.)

But for Goat (and this isn’t original to Goat), the problem with substances FOR GOAT is that maybe they can take me to visit God, the spirit, the Christ, the Buddha, the cosmos – whatever it is. But I only get to visit and then i have to return from whence I came. If I continue to live like I used to live, that is a very depressing experience. It is the same high that I i got from drinking and all the associated behaviors. Changing my life and actions and becoming more in-tune with what spiritual precepts that guide me allows me to become more like those things (Christ Spirit Buddha Cosmos) such that I am perpetually in their company.

The spiritual path that we use to get there is one that is unique to each of us I believe. For OP it is shamanism. For me it isn’t and I don’t know exactly what IT is right now. Maybe there is something I can take from that practice as well. But at its core, it is learning to live in harmony with these spiritual principals and with those people and things in the world around us.