I’ve had to rebuild the boarder about 3x on this because of my cats.
Ooohhh love this one!
W o w Jennifer !!
This one is pretty, will it go up? I’m thinking bathroom/vanity area?
What a cool gift! So nice!
It’s so pretty. I really like it!! It’s getting a frame for sure but I haven’t decided where it’s going to go. I could put it in my office or bathroom
It would definitely go up by my vanity desk, so where (if) I do my make up and hair and put nice things on!
Funny how even for me as a grown ass woman: put some glitter on it and it’ll give me more joy!
I have finally allocated myself a room and a table to do some puzzles again. But that fold away thing looks good I saw some on my local FB marketplace so think I will get one!
That is absolutely part of the fun
I always look at the box! The one I’m about to do though is one where that is not an option. Although it’s a cartoony one which I think should make it a bit more straightforward
I have been sulking a bit recently for various reasons and thought I need to get back to being more comfortable spending time on my own. Not just vegging out and mindlessly social media scrolling while my anxiety kicks off in the background
Can’t get my head into reading so back to puzzles. Given me a reason to carve out a bit of apace of my own in the new place too
Where did that cool Monopoly tea mug get to? That’s what caught me eye with your first progress report.
Haha oh I still have it, well I have 3 out of the set of 4 still surviving. I have “butter finger” tendencies