Share your tattoos (no triggers please 🙏🏻)

My latest tattoo. Absolutely love it.


Had this done today. It was a long-overdue cover up, of where one of my abusive exes branded me. Id already had it covered up but the tattoo was shocking, so I had it all lasered years ago. Today was the day!


Cool. I like it!

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I love that you could have this done over something traumatic. It looks great!

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Absolutely love the tattoo… colors and image are :fire:

To new beginnings :people_hugging:

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Thank you. It’s healed up nicely.

Now, just to get booked in with my artist for some more :+1::grin:

Love that @CATMANCAM

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I recently had my throat tattooed a similar size to yours! Soon as I can post pictures, I’ll post it up!



Badass neck tattoo. :love_you_gesture: Reminds me of the death-bat.

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Bet that stung Josh :wink:

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oh that is super cool!

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Thanks! I basically gave my artist a shape of a skull and the shape of some wings and said what can you do with that and this is what she came up with! Does look a bit like the death bat doesn’t it?

It wasn’t too bad, believe it or not. It was 6 hours - the outline, I could’ve fallen asleep. The right side hurt like fuck but the left side wasn’t too bad.

Thanks! I think my artist did a great job :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’ll be getting a full chest at some point and a left sleeve

Drunken tattoo lol


It couldn’t be MY motto, since I’m not a very persistent person, but I’ve always found Anne Boleyn fascinating. Intelligent, intellectually above a lot of the court ladies of her time and, well, yes, not a very pleasant woman. Absolutely incapable of “behaving”, holding her tongue etc. one of those people that history has wronged. Oh, and she had a sense of humor a lot similar to mine :-))
So, there it is.
The fairy has been retouched yesterday.


Well I have a couple’ish.
Midlife crisis perhaps… but they all have important meaning to me. My last biggest one is complete but only have a couple pics as it was being done in stages and none of it complete. Now it’s all tied together for complete lower sleeve.


They are all amazing tats…my fav is the landscape shoe and the timer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks, I got that to commemorate my second attempt of completing a 4 day 3 night hike for 78km on the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, BC as the year before in training to prepare for, I completely tore my Achilles tendon. But I got right back after it the next year once surgery and all healed up.
That was the actual size and outline of the shoe I wore for it.


That’s some amazing ink hun!! The detail in the first one is ridiculously good :ok_hand:


Thanks. Same artist for all three. The lower sleeve is pretty detailed as well once it was all finished. I just never took a pic of it, lol. Gordy the Kid did amazing work. Lower arm sleeve was 5 sessions at 3 hours per session
Leg killed as did work around wrist…