Show me your transformations! (Shirts required)

Bit of an Inspiration to me there bro!
Awesome as!


Doing fantastic stuff yourself, bud - looking totally different from your former self in the best ways possible

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Im stoked to see im filling out more and more
Those 3 bottom photos are a few months apart


@2JTravNZ @TMAC you are killing it guys! Great work!


Always love to see the changes a sober life brings, the inside and outside ones.
Looking good @2JTravNZ and @TMAC :muscle::star_struck:


Impressive work @TMAC


Congratulations! Two years here, and I’m with you. Years ago, I had about 30 days, picked up some nonalcoholic beer, turned around and went right back to the grocery store. I guess everybody’s different, but for me, I just stay away from it all together.


I got some advice to actually look at sober vs active addiction pictures side by side to really see progress. You look at yourself in the mirror every day. You don’t always see the changes.
So these are some transformations i am really proud of.
First, the one with the selfies. I’m no longer covered in bruises from fighting with strangers or letting alcohol drown me in an abusive realtionship. I’m legitimately happy in the recent pictures. I’m not smiling in the other pictures or im smiling because I’m drunk VISIBLY.
The second is me with my oldest younger sister. I spent SO much time aroumd her drunk. You can’t see her face but in the first one she is visibly uncomfortable and the second one we are both smiling and present. The third one hit really hard. That is me and my fiance. The first was about a year ago when our relationship was the most toxic and violent. We couldnt even muster up the effort for a selfie we were so drunk. The second picture is us both almost 10 months sober at his continuation ceremony for electrical school. The last one is just me. I’m so much healthier. Getting sober gave me the tome energy money and love for myself to get my life together and take care of myself. The results wont stop here. But the difference in TEN months is enough to make me cry. If youre new to this i hope you can use this as some sort of motivation. Happiness, peace, self love, health… its out there. But you have to go find it. I highly recommend to those of you who are further into your journey to do this. I dokt even recognize that person anymore. I refuse to be that person anymore. And its so nice to see that shes gone.
Thats all. Thanks for reading/ looking :slight_smile:


When I saw photos of myself during and after my choices, it made me completely ashamed of myself, but also proud that I made the choice to change. You’re right about looking in the mirror. We know we’re hurting ourselves, but we don’t see the differences in active addiction. Thanks for sharing :nerd_face:


Its insane im here like how did i not see what i was doing to myself?!?!?! I’m so glad I’m not that person anymore. Good fuc**in riddance :joy:


Active addiction on left and about 6 months sober on right

I’ve been beating myself up lately over the weight I gained but then my son made me find an old picture of me (probably 11 years ago) and told me to realize that I’ve gotten so far and not to stop…then we went to the gym. I’m unfortunately my own worse enemy and though I like this dress, I’ve never worn it because I don’t have the courage to leave my house in it.


Love your son! Glad he got you to see your progress. Girl you look fantastic in that dress. Hopefully you’ll be able to see / feel it soon yourself.


This is a mind-blowing transformation.:astonished:

I know how hard it is to start and endure this process.:muscle:t2:

Thank you for sharing.


You look fantastic. I can relate to your feelings. Maybe dinner out with the son in said dress?


@JazzyS Thank you so much. Hopefully one day. My main problem is my legs and arms.
@Planipennia its been a 4.5 year process of ups and downs…thankfully being sober these past 8 months have really got my head back in the game finally.
@cjp that is a wonderful idea! I may just do that :heart:


First pic is the morning after my last drinking session. I was not happy. I was feeling so many emotions. (Dec 2023)
Second pic was last week (July 2024)


What’s wrong with your legs and arms??
You look absolutely awesome in that dress! :star_struck:
(But I understand the way you are talking about yourself because I’m good in downtalking my body too :disappointed:)


My last days as a drunkard right before I hit my rock bottom (or big tree). Looking back I’m pretty sure I was dieing. I was beyond unhealthy and vomiting blood was a normal thing. My behavior was completely out of control. I was a terrible father and an all around asshole. Fucking terrible way to live. I was a wild animal.

Now its the end of my 2nd no booze birthday and I am so grateful to be where I’m at. It took a massive amount of hard work but I’m at the part now where I’m starting to see the fruits of my labor. I got my driver’s license back after not having it for 21+ years. I’ve logged so many therapy hours and continue to do so, it feels like my broken brains are finally starting to heal. I’m healthier than I’ve been, probably ever. My whole attitude has changed from destructive to a more sensible, calmer, and gentler way of thinking. The darkness is still there but now it just serves as a reminder of what I don’t want to be. And I’m not quite sure if I’m doing it right but I AM a father to my son now and that’s what is most important.

2 years no booze


That is quite the smile. Well done sir. :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Thank you Emilie :grin::+1::balloon:

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