Sick and tired...of being sick and tired

What a joy for us in recovery to discover mornings without a bleary-eyed hangover, alcohol induced shakes, or a bloated stomach. What a joy to taste food, smell flowers, sit without sweating, or go to sleep without passing out. What a joy to get into a car without fear of a DWI, without having to lie about where we were the night before. What a joy to stop swinging from pillar to post with every would-be lover, or finding ourselves as a doormat for every Tom, Dick, or Mary.
We can wake up in the middle of the night without shaking with fear. We find that our Higher Power is doing for us what we can’t do for ourselves. We have given up being “manipulators and operators” to become “true cooperators.” We have hope for a better tomorrow.

“The sick and tired existence of being sick and tired has finally come to an end.”


@Rikk… Well said Rikk! Thanks for sharing and fighting the good fight!