Side Effects of Healing?

First and foremost, this is the first time I’ve ever written anything in any time of forum. I have never been in any type of online community, either. So, two milestones right there for me. If I get something wrong here I do apologize. Suggestions are welcome.
I absolutely love this app and it has helped me to deal with some of the emotions that come with coming off of an addiction. (And then trying to not trip and fall back into the deep chasm that is alcohol).
I was wondering, however, if after being on this app and reading other ppl’s feeds, anyone has had vivid dreams of re-abusing. I woke up this morning expecting my family to be mad at me because I drank too much again. I have all the feelings that I normally would have. (Guilt, anger at myself and fear)
All very real, I might add. Hoping this post will help make the day better and clear my head.
For reference, I have multiple addictions. I’ve decided to come off of them one at a time. Alcohol being the first because it seems to affect people the most and because I was addicted to it longer, 20+ years.
Thanking you in advance. :blush:


Using dreams are fairly common - if you search “dreams” here (or “using dreams” if you want to be more specific), you’ll find many threads.

It sounds like you know your goals and you know you want to connect with people who are also in recovery. That’s a good place to start. There’s lots of helpful folks on Talking Sober, and you can find helpful books, podcasts, and recovery groups here:

Resources for our recovery

It’s a learning experience, one day at a time :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you so much! I’m soaking in as much of Sober Time as I can. Your response was helpful.


This is common unfortunately for most people going through recovery they are quite scary and feel real but thankfully they get easier to cope with as time goes by and become less frequent too remember you have used alcohol and other drugs use as a coping mechanism say in my case for 25 years that it takes time for yourself to form new coping mechanisms
I hope :crossed_fingers: this helps you


I connected the feelings of guilt and remorse I got from my drinking or relapse dreams to how I would actually feel if I truely relapsed. That became another powerful reason to avoid drinking.

Eventually, (few months maybe?) they went away and haven’t returned.