Six Months sober, First time in treatment, possible prison time

Part of a faith based program for my first shot at treatment, still having a hard time getting over how other people feel and think of me. Nobody seems to care that everything i did wasn’t the real me it was my addiction and alcoholism running wild. People are so judgemental and plain rude it seems…if you’re paying the bar tab or buying the shots everyone loves you, but once you’re in recovery suddenly you’re an A Hole and always have been one and they’ve known it all along


Because they weren’t really your real friends or family in the beginning to be real. The truth hurts, I learned a lot of hard lessons coming to sobriety . Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you were drunk or sober, if you hurt someone, you’ve hurt someone . If you’ve left a bad impression on someone, you’ve left a bad impression on someone. Remember that you’re doing this for yourself, and not to be valued by others.


Also it sucks that the court system seems to have the same opinion they’d rather lock the alcoholic addict up instead of letting them go through treatment amd get the help they meed

Fact of the matter is while most of us wouldn’t have made the same choices in our sober mind they are still choices we made, and must be accountable for. All of the bullshit I did and the debt I racked up in addiction is for me to own… no excuses. As far as what other people think, that’s on them. Be your best self and keep doing the next right thing.

You have six months sober, control what you can and continue on your path of recovery. I wish you well


Tbh I’m caught in the court system rn I still have 1 year left of probation . I’m not sure what your charges are, but it’s stressful . I get you man.

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What matters is showing that you’ve changed, and sometimes it takes years for people to process things and forgive . Focus on your well being and the best version of yourself, and then when those people look at you years down the road they’ll think “hmmm wow this guy really has changed” . It takes times for certain wounds to heal . I know it can hurt when you’re doing your best but don’t try to let this stuff get to your head man. You’re doing your best .


Even if you were drunk or high, it is still the real you who did this.

I know you didn’t choose addiction and addiction is never fair but it is still the real you who did this. I also have to be accountable for crimes and acts I did under the influence which brought me to court or closed psychiatric facility. Because it was all me who did it


I know it was never the real me who also ran wild in a drunken stupor i was a total opposite of the real me…my personality would change so much the people close to me would say it was like i had been taken over by something…possessed, but the point was i knew all of this when i chose that first drink and thats the part that needed sorting out so that side never came out again. It takes a while for people to come round but at the end of the day it really only matters what you think and if you continue on in sobriety and work on the facets of your personality that brought u to drink or use then people will naturally come round in the end, i had low self esteem and repressed anger so once the drink took my inhibitions away all those emotions came out and it certainly wasnt pretty! You can do this but make your full focus on you and your sobriety cos for now it doesnt matter about everyone else, 6 months is great… your doing great, my love to you :heart:

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Wow. Do the ppl in your program not challenge your thinking on this? Dude. The real you, with all your nooks and crannies and edges and hurts and broken bits but also all your good bits already in place and ready to be watered and to blossom when the time comes, in recovery - but yeah, the real you did all the things you did in your addiction. It’s the potential to become the a-hole when we don’t care for our wounds and seek comfort in the wrong places that we all, all the real us, carry in us. I’m a potential a-hole and was an actual one for a long time. Or a lost little girl hurting ppl and things in the process of keeping myself hurting. Same as you. Same thing.

Welcome to the site and welcome to recovery. Connecting with all the different parts of you will be a big part of your work.

Here are some resources to get you started: Resources for our recovery

And some experiences by the ppl who’ve walked the walk before you:
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


Glorious! The profane with the profound. It’s so important to recognize the inherent “good” that we all possess. Recovery let’s the inherent goodness bloom. Thank you, kind friend.